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İnternet Kaynakları
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HARVEY, Richard, “Foundations of European Messianic Jewish Theology: The Theological Significance and Challenges for Messianic Jews in Europe Today”,, 29.06.2015., 29.06.2015., 29.06.2015., 29.06.2015., 29.06.2015., 29.06.2015.
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RESNIK, Russell L., “Defining Messianic Judaism - A Commentary”, Kesher Journal, Sayı: 17,, 29.06.2015
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SAMUELSON, Francine K., “Messianic Judaism: Church, Denomination, Sect, or Cult?”, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, c. 37, sayı: 2 (2011), s. 161-186., 29.06.2015.
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