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Bulanõk ve Yaklaşõmlõ Kümeler (series A)

Bulanõk and Yaklaşõmlõ Sets (series A)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, fuzzy set theory proposed by Zadeh and rough set theory proposed by Pawlak are introduced. These set theories deal with several fundamentally different type of uncertainty which can not be properly characterized and investigated mathematically by the classical logic. After given the fundamental concept of these two theories we investigate some important relationships between them. We then define the upper approximations of fuzzy sets with respect to a direct product of fuzzy normal subgroups and studied their properties.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalõşmada, klasik mantõğõn tanõmlayamadõğõ belirsiz kavramlarõn matematiksel olarak ifade edilebilmesine olanak sağlayan Zadeh’in bulanõk kümeler (fuzzy sets) teorisi ve Pawlak’õn yaklaşõml õ kümeler (rough sets) teorisi üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu iki teoriyle ilgili temel kavramlar verildikten sonra aralarõndaki bazõ önemli ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Daha sonra bulanõk normal altgruplarõn direkt çarpõmõna göre bulanõk kümelerin üst yaklaşõmõ tanõmlanarak bazõ özellikleri verilmiştir.



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