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Erciyes Dağõnõn (Kayseri) Epifitik Oribatid Akarlarõ Üzerine Sistematik Araştõrmalar-II (Seri B)

Dağõnõn Erciyes (Kayseri) Epiphytic Oribatid On the Systematic Akarlarõ Araştõrmalar-II (Series B)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
On the basis of the specimens collected from Erciyes mountain, the descriptions of Carabodes pulcher Bernini, 1976, Scutovertex sculptus Michael, 1879 which are new records for the Turkish fauna, and Cymbaeremaeus cymba (Nicolet, 1855) have been revised; and their distributions on the world have been given.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Türkiye faunasõ için yeni olan Carabodes pulcher Bernini, 1976 ve Scutovertex sculptus Michael, 1879 ile Cymbaeremaeus cymba (Nicolet, 1855) türlerinin Erciyes dağõndan toplanan örneklere göre tanõmõ gözden geçirilmiş ve dünyadaki yayõlõşõ verilmiştir.



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