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Yabancı Dil Öğretmenleri Motive Edici Özellikleri (Seri C)

Motivational Characteristics of Foreign Language Teachers (Series C)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present study explores the issue of teacher motivation as an essential factor for classroom effectiveness and improvement. Teacher motivation has to do with teachers' desire to participate in the education process. 133 foreign language teachers at the department of service English in the school of foreign languages at Hacettepe University participated in the study. Data was collected by using a questionnaire designed and developed by the researchers and validated by a team of the field experts. The reliability level was found .82 (Cronbach Alpha). Analysis of data revealed that the participating teachers differ in four issues: (a) teaching profession, (b) research, (c) physical conditions, and (d) social facilities. At the end of the study some recommendations were made on these issues.



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