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Abstract (2. Language): 
Renal effects of adenosine seem to be rather complex and likely to be mediated by differing mechanisms, some of which needs still further elucidation. So, it was of interest to see the effects of adenosine applied into the renal artery by infusion rather than by bolus injection under constant perfusion rate and to explore its interaction with theophylline and quinidine. Design.- Adenosine (10 g/ml) was applied into the renal artery at a constant rate for 15 min, during which perfusion pressure and rate of urine production as number of drops/10 min was continuously recorded. The interaction of adenosine with theophylline (1mM), a P1-Purinoceptor antagonist and quinidine (2g/ml), a P2-purinoceptor antagonist, was studied by appliying adenosine in the presence of these agents. Results.- Intrarenal perfusion of adenosine caused a biphasic vascular response, e.g. an initial pressory phase followed by a depressory one, during which urine production tended to reduce nonsignificantly. The pressory effect of adenosine was fully antagonized by theophylline with no remarkable effect on depressory one. Quinidine was, however, almost ineffective on these parameters or caused some potentiation. Reduction of urine production by adenosine was readily responsive to blockade by these purinoceptor antagonists. Perfusion pressure and urine production were increased in a perfusion rate-dependent manner. Under different perfusion rate, the biphasic vascular effect of adenosine appeared to be rather identical and urine production was not effected markedly. Conclusion.- From these results, it was concluded that application of adenosine by infusion modifies receptor affinity for purinoceptor antagonists in such a way that receptors mediating vasoconstriction become unavailable for the antagonists and those responsible for vasodilation was responsive to occupation with theophylline. Antagonism of the inhibitory action of adenosine on urine production by the antagonists was considered as evidence for the involvement of P1-as well as P2-purinoceptors in this process.
Abstract (Original Language): 
İzole perfüze sıçan böbreğinde adenozin'in perfüzyon basıcı ve idrar yapım hızı üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. İntrarenal 10g/ml adenozin perfüzyonu önce presör ve bunu izleyen depresör bir etki oluşturmuştur. Teofilin (1mM) ön tedavisi perfüzyon basıncında 30.1±8.7 mmHg bir düşme yapmıştır. Teofilin'li ortamda adenozin'in presör etkisi belirginleşirken, depresör etkisi tümüyle antagonize olmuştur. Kinidin (2g/ml) perfüzyon basıncında 27±9.3 mmHg dolayında bir artma yapmıştır. Hem kinidin hem de kinidin+teofilin ön tedavisi adenozin'in bifazik vasküler etkisinde artma oluşturmuştur. Sabit perfüzyon altında, adenozin'le idrar yapım hızı anlamsız da olsa azalmış ve bu etki kinidin ve teofilin'le antagonize olmuştur. Perfüzyon basıncı ve idrar yapım hızı, perfüzyon hızına bağımlı olarak artmıştır. Değişik perfüzyon hızlarında adenozin birbirine yakın bifazik vasküler etkiler oluşturmuş ve idrar yapım hızı ancak yüksek perfüzyon düzeylerinde azalma eğilimi göstermiştir. Sonuçlar adenozin'in renal etkilerinde uygulama şekli, perfüzyon durumu ve reseptör afinitesinin önemli rol oynayabileceğini düşündürmektedir.



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