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Primer Ameliyat Sonrası Nüks Peptik Ülserli Hastalarda Cerrahi Tedavi Sonuçları

Results of surgical treatment in patients with recurrent peptic ulcer after original operation

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Abstract (2. Language): 
As a result of the efficacity of the medical therapy of peptic ulcer the quantity of the patients those receive surgical treatment are getting lower but it is still a problem as a recurring disease for the patient who had surgery because of peptic ulcer. Alkaline reflux gastritis and recurrent peptic ulcer are the main reasons of the long term unsatisfactory results. The insufficient or improper first surgical operation is usually responsible for the recurrent peptic ulcer. In this study, we evaluated, the retrospective data of 46 patients who underwent repeat surgery because of recurrent peptic ulcer after various surgical treatments between 1989- 2003 in Department of General Surgery at Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty. The patients whose symptoms did not regress with medical therapy or developed side effects due to medical therapy, developed recurrent peptic ulcer during conservative treatment or the ulcers with complication were the candidate of the repeat surgical therapy. The surgical technique was determined according to primary surgery. Some complementary operations were performed such as the accomplishment of insufficient vagotomy and the enlargement of few resections. There were no surgical mortality in our series.
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Perforasyon (n: 10)
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Afferent ansda delinme 1
Gastrojejunokolik fistül (n: 5)
Distal gastrektomi + k›sa urve GJ 2
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BTV + antrektomi + GJ + Braun anastomozu 1
Anastomoz darlığı (n: 5)
BTV + kısa urve GJ 2
Kolesistektomi (n: 4) 4
ÜSS kanaması (n: 3)
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BTV + GJ 1
Afferent ans sendromu (n: 3)
BTV + k›sa urve GJ 2
Gastrektomi + GJ + Braun anastomozu 1
İnsizyonel fıtık (n: 3)
- Prolen mesh ile fıtık tamiri 3
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