Cranial fracture that was diagnosed with direct graphy but not detected in cranial computerized tomography
Journal Name:
- Cerrahpaşa Tıp Dergisi
Keywords (Original Language):
Author Name | University of Author | Faculty of Author |
Abstract (2. Language):
Nowadays, there are some ideas that direct graphy is unnecessary for the evaluation of patients with head trauma. But,
computerized tomography (CT) is less sensitive in detection of calvarial skull fractures than plain radiographs. We report a case
who was admitted to hospital after fall and skull fracture was not detected with CT. Neurologic examination of the patient was
normal when he was referred to our emergency department with complaints of headache, nausea, and vomiting. Plain radiograph
showed right frontal lineer fracture so the patient was hospitalized. All cases who apply with head trauma are routinely evaluated
with direct cranial graphy in our clinic because of legal conditions and the probability that transverse fractures may not be
detected with CT.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Günümüzde kafa travmalarında artık direkt grafinin yeri olmadığına dair görüşler vardır. Fakat transvers kalvaryal fraktürleri
BT’de tespit etmek zordur. Düşme sonrası kafa travmasıyla bir merkeze başvuran, çekilen kranial BT’de kırık hattı izlenmeyen
olgu sunulmuştur. Baş ağrısı, bulantı-kusma, şikayetiyle acil servisimize başvuran hastanın muayenesi normaldi. Direkt kraniografik
incelemede sağ frontal lineer fraktür hattı izlenen hasta takip amacıyla yatırıldı. Hukuki nedenlerle ve transvers kırıkların BT’de
saptanmama olasılığı nedeniyle kliniğimizde rutin olarak hafif kafa travması dahi olsa, kafa travmasıyla başvuran tüm olgulara
kraniografi çekilmektedir.
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159 - 160