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Book Review: Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom

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This current book entitled Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom edited by Tracey E. Hall, Anne Meyer and David H. Rose (The Guilford Press, 2012, 152 pages, ISBN: 978-1-4625¬0631-6) introduces Universal Design for Learning, or UDL, and proposes a critical understanding for how UDL enhances learning for all students. The main idea of this book is that students come from a variety of cultures and have diverse experiences; therefore, classroom teachers' approach to education should be flexible so that every student in the classroom gets a chance to learn. UDL removing the curricular and instructional barriers with its guidelines offers a flexible education addressing the needs of various students. The book provides a comprehensive understanding for how UDL principles and guidelines can be implemented to various subjects such as science, math, history, and arts. The authors of the book have specialized in areas such as educational leadership, special education, and instructional design. The book is a valuable resource that can make a big difference in the present education system. The book is fluent and the chapters explain the process of implementing UDL in a well-designed way.