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Maleik Anhidrit-Stiren Kopolimerinin Amid ve İmid Türevlerinin Sentezi ve Isısal Davranışları

Thermal Behaviours and Synnthesis of Amid and Imid Derivatives of Maleik Anhydrite-Stiren Copolymer

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Abstract (2. Language): 
I n this study, to increase thermal stability of maleic anhydrite-stiren, amidic and imidic derivatives of maleic anhydrite-stiren were obtained by the reaction of maleic anhydrite-stiren copolymer with , ammoniaque, metylamin, aniline.and hexamethylenediamine imides were also It were identified the formation of acid and imid on the new samples with characteristics IR peaks by using an IR- spectrophotometre. Thermal properteis of amidic and imidic derivatives of maleic anhydrite-stiren samples were stutied by TGA DTA and DSC It has found that the imide derivatives of maleic anhydrite-stiren copolymer have behavior more skable than both amidic acid derivatives and itself of maleic anhydrite-stiren copolymer.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, maleik anhidrid-stiren kopolimerinin ısısal kararlılığını artırmak için, maleik anhidrid-stiren kopolimeri; amonyak, metilamin, anilin ve hekzametilendiamin ile tepkimeye sokularak onun amid ve imid türevleri elde edildi. Kaydedilen FTIR spektrumlarında gözlenen karakteristik pikler ile yeni örneklerde amid ve imid oluşumu belirlendi. Hem maleik anhidrit-stiren kopolimerinin hem de amid ve imid türevlerinin ısısal kararlılıkları TGA ve DSC ile incelendi. Maleik anhidrit-stiren kopolimerinin imid türevleri; hem kopolimerin kendisinden hem de onun amidik asit türevlerinden daha kararlı davrandığı bulundu.



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