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Response of Hulless barley yield and yield components to different plant densities

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This experiment was conducted at agricultural researches and natural resources station of Ardabil in 2013-2014 crop years. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the effect of different plant densities on yield and yield related traits in hulless barley (naked) and determine the yield of these cultivars. The experiment was carried out as a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Three hulless barley varieties encompasses Lout, EH-87-4 and EH-87-12 and plant densities of 250, 350 and 450 plants per square meter were considered as experimental factors. Analysis of variance showed that effects of varieties and plant densities on number of fertile-tillers per plant, 1000- Grain weight and harvest index was significant. Interaction effects of genotype × plant density on number of fertile tillers per plant, number of grains per spikeseed yield and biological yield were significant. Treatment combination EH-87-12 variety at plant density of 350 plants/m2 was led to maximum number of grains per spike (39.81 No) and minimum value of this attribute (25. 59 kernels per spike) was obtained from this variety in plant density of 250 plants/m2. The highest 1000-grains weight (46.34 g) was belong to the EH-87-4 variety and the lowest value was from Lout variety (37.45 g). 1000- Grain weight per 350 plants/m2 density was lowest value (38.89 g). Lout variety had the lowest HI (48.42 %) among naked barley varieties on was studied in this experiment. Maximum plant density also led to the highest harvest index. In term of biological yield, different treatments combinations were divided into two separate Statistical groups. So that treatment combinations Eh-87-4 in all plant densities with EH-87-12 variety in two plant density of 350 and 450 plant /m2 had the highest biological yield and lout variety in all plant densities with EH-87-12 variety in plant density of 250 plant /m2 had the lowest biological yield. Interaction effects variety × plant density was showed that the best treated combination to improve grain yield was EH-87-4 variety at 450 plant/m2 density (7444.7 kg/ha) and treated combinations Lout variety at 250 and 350 plant/m2 density had lowest grain yield (4389.0 and 4416.7 kg/ha, respectively).