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Identifying Production Sources and Quantifying H2S Gas from Underground Storage and Facilities of Masjid Suleiman Oil and Gas Exploitation Company

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Hydrogen sulfide gas is one of the most dangerous gases in the workplaces of oil and gas industry and is considered as a contrary combination in gas reservoirs which not only reduces the economic contribution of hydrocarbon of gas reservoirs, but also is toxic and causes corrosion of equipment exploiting the reservoirs. In this study, due to high levels of hydrogen sulfide gases in Masjid Suleiman oil and gas Exploitation Company And risks associated with it, it was attempted to identify the sources of producing and detector hydrogen sulfide gas in the area. For this purpose, after identifying the sources of hydrogen sulfide gases emissions in the area of the study, finally 8 points (including 5 units of Masjid Suleiman oil and gas Exploitation Company such as unit 9 Bibayan, Talbezan, Anbar, Nargesi, and Zilaeai and 3 urban regions of Kuye Naftkhiz, Siberenj, and Pansium e Khayam) as the major points of leaks have been identified and evaluated in 4 months of May, July, September and November by the use of gas detector device. The results showed that the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas in urban areas ranged from 15 to 17 ppm. While the amount of gas emissions in Masjid Suleiman oil and gas Exploitation Company was anticipated from 2 to 5 ppm respectively. It was also found that the differences of concentration of hydrogen sulfide gases are not significant in various months there. Comparison of the results with national and international standards confirmed that in urban areas, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gases is beyond the scope of the standard but in the installations the amount of the gas is only beyond OEL-TWA standard values.



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