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Retrofitting of Unreinforced Masonry Walls under Blast Loading by FRP and Spray on Polyurea

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this paper, an advanced micro-modelling strategy for unreinforced masonry wall strengthened with fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) and spray-on Polyurea is presented. The present method makes possible to study the nonlinear dynamic response of large systems with URM walls under blast loading. The blast load is simulated by ConWep blat loading model. The units and mortar joints are represented by continuum elements. Cohesive and contact elements are used to simulate the adhesion and interaction between units, mortar and retrofits material interfaces. In the numerical procedure, the nonlinear behavior of the concrete and crushing phenomenon in the concrete are simulated using concrete damage plasticity and the erosion algorithm models, respectively. Distribution of some parameters including displacement, the stress and destruction of understudied structures are determined. Finally, the performance of various available strengthened models on the reinforcing of structures against blast loading is evaluated.