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Effect of different stages and times of silicon foliar spray on yield and yield components of bean

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Sometimes in agriculture, simple and inexpensive operation can cause significant augmentation in plant yield. Studies have shown that foliar spray of silicon in number of plants can lead to substantially increase in growth and yield of plant but its effect on plants almost has been overlooked. This investigation was performed in order to study effect of silicon foliar spray with different concentrations (0, 2, 4 per thousand of silicon) at different growth stages of beans (stem elongation, before flowering and pod production) on growth and yield of two beans varieties (Talash and Mahali ) with three replications. According to the obtained results from the study, concentration of 2 per thousand of silicon had no effect on grain yield per area unit but concentration of 4 per thousand of silicon during stem elongation and before flowering caused to significant increase in yield of bean. Foliar spray of silicon in stages of stem elongation and beginning of flowering increased substantially grain yield in comparison with control treatment up to 38% and 21%, respectively. According to the survey results, foliar spray at stem elongation had greater impact on plant. Based on results, augmentation in grain yield was affected by increasing of two main components: seeds number per plant and 100-seeds weight. Increment in number of seeds per plant was achieved by increasing of seeds number per pod, whereas at concentration of 4 per thousand of silicon had no effect on total number of bean pods. It seems augmentation of yield and yield components affected by concentration of 4 per thousand are because of increase in leaf area and chlorophyll content of leaves in beans. In general, according to the results of this study, usage of silicon had positive impact on growth and yield of beans. No significant differences were found among studied bean cultivars from the view point of grain yield, in the highest level of yield.



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