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Integration office (Information and Communication Technology) with Elements of Undergraduate Program Curriculum in Educational Sciences of Farhangian University in Tehran

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study is to investigate the integration of ICT(information and communication technology) with Elements of Undergraduate Program Curriculum in Educational sciences of Farhangian University in Tehran from the perspective of students, teachers and related professors to optimize the mentioned curriculum. This is an evaluationstudyandthe researcher has utilized "field research" during the conduction of the study. In this research the studied population includes: 921 undergraduatestudents in Educational Sciences of Farhangian University in Tehran province in the academic year2014-15 studying in four campuses of Farhangian University in Tehran province, B)Professors of Educational Sciences, including 92 people that are teaching and studying indifferent majors of Educational sciences in the campus of Farhangian University in Tehran province. Accordingly, among 921 people a sample of 120 students and among 92 educational sciences experts 45 subjects were selected and random cluster sampling method was used. To determine the sample size in this study Morgan’s table was used. Data collection tools included a researcher made questionnaire which consists of 50 questions office point Likert scale. Before the final implementation of the questionnaire, to ensure the applicability of the questionnaire "pilot implementation" was done. For this aim the questionnaire was first conducted in a group of 30 people. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed with the opinion of the professors and experts in this field and its reliability was calculated 96.5%, using Cranach’s alpha, indicating Good credit of the research tool. To analyze and interpret the data for this study, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, etc.) and in the area of inferential statistics, chi-square test was used to study and analyze the data. Results show the same distribution of opinions of students and professors to use and integrate ICT in order to explain 9 elements of curriculum in Undergraduate Program Curriculum in Educational Sciences of Farhangian University in Tehran province which is average and higher than the average. At the end a model of the integration of information and communication technology (ICT)to optimize the elements of the curriculum at Undergraduate Program Curriculum in Educational Sciences of Farhangian University in proposed which considers different levels of integration in the curriculum, including within field, interdisciplinary, integrated and interdependent. The results of this research are a strategy for the development and integration office curriculum elements with Farhangian university curriculum and national curriculum document.