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Study of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement (A Case Study of Non-beneficiary Girl Guidance School Students of 12th City Area of Tehran)

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Today, emotional intelligence has great significance in people’s life dimensions and it’s been determined that 80% of the people’s success along the life stages depends on emotional intelligence and only 20% depends on intelligence quotient and academic achievement lies in the same range which can experience changes thanks to emotional intelligence. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to study the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of students. The implemented methodology is descriptive and correlation in type and the statistical population of the study consists of nonbeneficiary girl guidance school students of 12th city area of Tehran. The corpus of the sample is 150 students which were incidentally selected from two guidance schools. Data collection instrument was questionnaire and data analysis was carried out by means of SPSS software and Pearson Correlation Test was administered. Results showed that there is a meaningful and positive relation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. And there is a meaningful and positive relation among the factors of emotional intelligence, self-management, social awareness, relation management, and academic achievement.



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