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An Interaction between Sustainable Urban Development and Evaluation of Urban Environment, an Approach for Endogenous Development

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Now, more than ever, the importance of city and urbanism from the viewpoint of environmental safety has been regarded as one of the necessities of sustainable development. Cities are growing constantly and every day their residents are increasing; such an increase, environmental degradation, the disappearance of natural resources, increase of different environmental pollution, creating fields, roads, streets, neighborhoods, educational and commercial centers present numerous problems for citizens. Following the increase in population and urbanization, cities have been become the center of biological accumulation, and broad and diverse economic and social activities. Due to the establishment of industrial, production and business organizations in the city and suburbs, land use of farmlands and natural greenspace is gradually changing, and urbanites will be dealing with environmental pollution and the lack of public greenspace. Progressively, people will be aware of the meaning, concept and true value of greenspace, indeed, it is synonymous with life, living, breathing, cleanliness and environmental hygiene, beauty, and freshness, and it calms spirit, cleans air, and decontaminates. Due to the rapid development of technology and industry, uncontrolled migration, and rapid and uncontrolled growth of cities and suburbanization, greenspaces in and around towns are being destroyed terribly. This article titled an interaction between sustainable urban development and evaluation of urban environment, is an approach for the endogenous development of Marand City and it says by considering urban greenspace, or more precisely by considering some levels of urban land uses with manmade vegetation, oxygen production, adjusting temperature, absorbing some of the pollutants, stabilizing slopes, increasing moisture content, and ultimately ecological efficiency we could improve the quality of urban environment and provide an attractive and proper space for social interactions and recreations of the society. In this paper, greenspace and parks are considered one of the main urban land uses in order to analyze the current status of greenspace, conform it to standards, offer suggestions for improving its quality and quantity level, and eliminate their shortcomings with respect to our abilities.



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