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The Effect of Particle Size on The Migration Rate of Knickpoint Erosion at Different Hydraulic Conditions

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Knickpoint, gully or head cut is called the erosion that is formed because of the sudden change in water level or bed level in the river and after concentrating the flow lines the local shear stress increase, bring about the bed erosion rate be intensified in a location where sudden change bed takes place. This erosion causes the riverbed in the location of sudden slope change to migrate to the upstream and makes the width of the river change. This erosion creates irreparable damages. Destruction of upstream structures caused by the bed migration and also roads destruction, residential areas, tourism - recreational areas, farmlands and good vegetation cover can be mentioned. In this paper, we have studied the effect of particle size and various hydraulic conditions to the rate of Knickpoint erosion progression. In this paper to create the relations of migration rate to the upstream according to the hydraulic parameters a laboratory hydraulic flume with dimensions 3 meters in length, width 30cm and height 50 cm was used. The main purpose of the paper is to creating relations for predicting the rate of Knickpoint erosion rates increase in the non-cohesive soil.



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