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Review of Climatic Strategies in Local Houses through Achieving Sustanable Architecture (Case Study: Yazd Historical Texture)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Considering the area climate in a way that the optimum condition is provided in the building by the minimum required energy and maximum use of the natural energies is of today life requirements. Today, buildings have essential roles in intensification of environmental crises, therefore review of the sustainable architecture is not only a choice, but also it is an undeniable necessity. Summer heat, winter cold, lack of comfortable access to fissil energy sources and the thought predictions by the past architects motivated us to review the climatic strategies of the local houses in order to achieve the sustainable architecture. The climataic strategies of the local houses have been studied by the use of historical-descriptive method and qualitative studies in historical texture of Yazd. Moreover, they have been compared by comparartive methid by the use of the sustainable architectural principles whose result has been harmony with such principles. Absolutely, copying the past architecture physical attributes hasn’t been considered, but understating the building sustainability in its time and location is considered along understating of today efficient values.



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