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Recalling the Place of Public Realms in a Culture-Based City: A Space towards Resurrection of Sense of Public Belonging

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By development of cities, urban spaces play a basic role as a place for establishment of cultural interactions. The public urban realms are designed as the most important objectives of quality promotion in the city. One of the most valuable dimensions in designing of public spaces of cities is creation and reinforcement of the sense of public belonging in such spaces and if this important issue is not noticed in such places the low sense of place belonging and ignorance of culture in cities will develop because of the lack of social partnership in decision making, non-observance of regulations, weak cultural cognition and other factors. So, the public urban realms in any society expresses the culture of that city formed based on the culture of its people and also reinforce and create the sense of public belonging in every space of the cities. The culture has an important role, as a stable and abiding element for leading the human towards his ideals and accomplishments and his identity. Therefore, paying attention to and thinking about the issue of public spaces and culture in cities, is one of the most important aspects effective on the life of human societies. The aim of this paper is cognition of public spaces, analysis of the concept of culture in city, analysis of their relations and factors effective on creation and sense of public belonging in city. The methodology of research is descriptiveanalytical taking advantages of library studies' tools. The results of this paper show that the role and place of public ss with cultural – urban focus is effective on resurrection of the sense of public belonging.



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