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The Factors and Indicators of Vibrant Centers

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Regardless of the numerous reasons, today providing city freshness and vitality has become one of the main concerns of urban management systems, particularly in developed countries. This research answered to three fundamental question, "what", "why" and "How" in relation to the Vibrant center, and has established with a developmental approach, factors affecting and shaping Vibrant centers and also indicators related to each factor. Factors or "what" of a Vibrant center that attracts people to a specified location and will persuade them to return again and several times as follows: Walkability, Public Spaces, Mixed Uses, Compactness, Human-scaled Design, Transportation Network, Parking, Safety and Security, Identity, Diversity of users, 24/7 Use and Community Activities. Each factors of vibrant center includes variables and conditions. These, entitled "Indicators related to the factors of a Vibrant center" have been presented. Numerous benefits such as improving social interactions, to increase vitality and leisure, strengthening walking, improving the human environment, reducing pollution, traffic and energy consumption, improving economic activity and business, transferring positive and attractive image of the community and attract customers and visitors, "why" of creation and recreation of Vibrant centers is necessary. "How to" create Vibrant centers, is possible just in the context of a continuous process and harmonious and comprehensive efforts. Generally, this process involves the following steps: Identify existing and planned centers of the city, investigate the city's accordance with vibrant centers and its factors; creating interaction between the public and private sectors, strengthening standards, incentives and education, and attracting interest. Strengthening the centers requires a comprehensive review of the rules & regulations of the city, street conventional standards, the cost of parking, approval and review processes of urban planning, forecasting possibility of Mixed Uses, the mixing of land uses in urban planning and attention to the transportation system.