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12 Eylü l 2002 tarihinde Sivas'ta yapılan "Barış İçin Diyalog: Dinlerin Bir Arada Yaşamaya Katkısı" adlı Uluslararası Sempozyum Münasebetiyle

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Abstract (2. Language): 
From the very beginning of history humanity has witnessed the periods of wars and conflicts as well as peace. Although most people have been against wars and conflicts, these events sometimes surround man and society from all directions and do not leave a way out to escape. But this situation does not mean that man has no influence on the events taking place on the surface of the world. Everyone is responsible for his/her intentions and acts and has an effect on writing history. Thus the situation of those who put cruelty, conflict and hatred in the foundation of their relations with the others will not be the same as of those who put justice, peace, mutual understanding, love and tolerance in the centre in the presence of God and in history. The facts and events, which our world is witnessing today, have increased the importance of establishing good dialogues among people and societies with various religions, cultures and civilisations by bringing forward the superiority of law, democracy and peace. That is why, the symposium held in Sivas on September 12, 2002, which was organised by the Presidency of Cumhuriyet University in association with the Faculty of Theology, has been a good example of these dialogues. We believe that the message of peace, tolerance and love was given to all humanity from Sivas, which was one of the important cities in Anatolia during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods and is the place where the foundations of the Turkish Republic were laid.