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Yemekhaneler ve kantinlerde iç hava kalitesi ile ilgili ölçüm sonuçları ve analizi -Tunceli Üniversitesi örneği

Indoor air quality of canteens and cafeterias - The sample of Tunceli University

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Indoor air quality has become important today because it's directly related to human health and working performance. Indoor air quality is often important for people living in closed spaces. In particular, indoor air quality has significant and positive effects for health and learning performance of students in university canteens and cafeterias. The main purpose of this study is, primarily through the analysis of indoor air quality in higher education institutions which is new and increasingly important for our country, to open discussion the importance and status of the subject and also aim of increasing the learning performance of students by submitting suggestions for the enhance of air quality in higher education institutions. Indoor air quality is extremely important for human health. Various diseases occur due to poor indoor air quality. These diseases may be called as building-related and sick building syndrome. Legionnaire disease is an example for buildingrelated disease, and also disorders such as acute, optic nerve are examples for sick building syndrome. Moisture is one of the most important problems affecting the air quality in the HVAC system. If there is not enough moisture in the air (about %20 or less), it may give rise to some complaints in humans. Low relative humidity can cause dryness due to evaporation in throat and nasal mucosa. If we give the air we take from outside, to inside, we'd have a dry ambiance. Thus, humidification on the HVAC systems is necessary in winter. One of the factors that affects the indoor air quality is indoor air contaminants in the building. These contaminants are substances such as cigarette odor, fungus, of volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds, CO2 etc. Indoor temperature and humidity are the most important parameters of thermal comfort. Human feels comfortable only in certain temperature and relative humidity values. Humid and hot weather above normal is the distressing air. In low humidity, dryness occurs in nose and mouth, and it's needed to drink water often due to rapid loss of water in body. The comfort zones are defined according to temperature and relative humidity for summer and winter, because temperature and humidity cannot be dissociated from themselves. Although the indoor air temperature is selected mostly according to outdoor temperature in summer conditions, the indoor design temperature is determined according to the intended purpose and type of the ambiance in winter. Indoor temperature is recommended between 15-26℃ and the indoor relative humidity is also recommended between %30 and %70 for different ambiances. CO2 is an important air contaminant recommended to control the indoor air quality. Normally %0,03 of the atmospheric air is CO2. CO2 in the ambient air is between 330-500 ppm based on environmental attributes. Therefore, it's not possible to exist CO2 indoor. Humans give CO2 to indoor by breathing. A CO2 concentration of 1000 ppm is considered as essential for indoor air quality. If the CO2 concentration is lower than this level, the indoor air has acceptable air quality. When the concentration values exceeds 35000 ppm, the central breath neuroreceptors are triggered and it causes lack of breathing. In many countries worldwide, the standards for determining the maximum allowable limits for contaminants associated with indoor air quality are available. These standards are constantly updated. These standards include standards such as Germany, Ashrae, China. In this study, measurements of some parameters related to the indoor air quality of the central canteen and cafeteria of Tunceli University in the province of Tunceli have been made. Carbon dioxide, indoor air temperature and relative humidity have been considered as indoor air quality parameters. These measurements have been made through testo 435 hand-type device. Measurements were taken at different indoor locations. As a result of the measurements made in the cafeteria and canteen provided with central heating during the winter, these have been detected that the indoor temperature and the relative humidity are within the required zone, so they don't constitute a significant problem. Also it's been observed that the indoor carbon dioxide amount in winter is increased with the number of students inside. Finally, a variety of results and suggestions related to enhance the indoor air quality of the canteens and the cafeterias, have been presented according to the measurement results.
Abstract (Original Language): 
İç hava kalitesi günümüzde insanların sağlığı ile çalışma performansı açısından doğrudan ilişkili olduğu için önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. İç hava kalitesi genellikle kapalı mahallerde yaşayan insanlar için önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle üniversitelerin yemekhaneleri ve kantinlerinde öğrencilerin sağlıkları ve öğrenme performansları üzerinde iç hava kalitesinin önemli ve olumlu etkileri vardır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, ülkemiz için henüz yeni ve önemi gittikçe artmakta olan iç hava kalitesinin öncelikle yüksek öğretim kurumlarında incelemesini yaparak, konunun önemini ve durumunu tartışmaya açmaktır. Bu çalışmada, Tunceli ilindeki Tunceli Üniversitesi merkezi kantin ve yemekhanesinde iç hava kalitesi ile ilgili bazı parametrelerin ölçümleri yapılmıştır. İç hava kalitesi parametreleri olarak karbondioksit, iç hava sıcaklığı ve bağıl nem dikkate alınmıştır. Bu ölçümler testo 435 el tipi cihazı ile yapılmıştır. Ölçümler farklı yerlerdeki iki yerleşkede iç ortamlar için alınmıştır. Ölçüm sonuçları analiz edilerek değişik ülkelerde önerilen standartlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Kış döneminde merkezi ısıtma sistemi ile ısıtılması sağlanan yemekhane ve kantinde yapılan ölçümler sonucunda iç ortam sıcaklığının ve bağıl nemin, konfor açısından istenen bölge içersinde bulunduğundan önemli bir sorun teşkil etmediği tespit edilmiştir. Kışın iç ortamdaki karbondioksit miktarı ise içeride bulunan öğrenci sayısının yoğun olduğu zamana bağlı olarak arttığı gözlenmiştir. Son olarak, ölçüm sonuçlarına göre kantin ve yemekhanenin iç hava kalitesinin iyileştirilmesine yönelik çeşitli çözümler ve öneriler sunulmuştur.



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