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Beton basınç dayanımının ultrasonik ses dalgası yayılma hızı ile tahmin edilmesi

Prediction of compressive strength of concrete through using ultrasonic pulse velocity

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Since seismicity is active in Turkey, most of the buildings are vulnerable against earthquake excitation. So, inspections of buildings are vital. Concrete is one of the most important parameter effect the performance of the building. Obtaining concrete strength is also one of most challenge in inspection of the building. Classical technique, which require taking a piece of concrete for mechanical testing causes more labor, time and costs. So a simple method required especially in case of quick inspection of the building. Ultrasonic pulse velocity is one of the well-known techniques for nun destructive evaluation of concrete. The technique is easy, fast and require less labor. However it is not reliably by itself. In order to increase reliability, match curve must be prepared for every different concrete type. So, this study intended to developed models for concrete used in Diyarbakir district. This study both includes experimental and empirical work. In the experimental part, twelve cube specimens were produced from concrete work of different stories of a building being retrofitted in Diyarbakir. Dimension of cubes are 150 mm and all the cubes were cured 28 days in water. All the specimen was tested after at least 28 days. Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests were carried out at first. For each specimen UPV tests were carried out at five different points and UPV values for each specimen was evaluated as average of these five values. After UPV tests compression tests were carried out for all specimen. For compression tests, monotonically axial load was increased until failure and the maximum load was marked. After all the UPV and compression tests were carried obtained data were used for developing a model to predict compressive strength of concrete from UPV values. In model, developing regression analysis was utilized. Data analyzed to obtained reasonable relation between UPV and compression strength. As a result, two different equations were developed (Equation 1 and Equation 2). As seen in Equations 1-2 only UPV values required to predict compressive strength of inspected concrete. f`c=21.77×UPV-53.26 (1) f`c=22.95×UPV-57.55 (2) In these equations UPV and f`c values must be in km/s and MPa units, respectively. The last part of this study is the performances evaluation of constructed models. To check prediction performance of the models a bunch of data was collected from literature. Our data was not used in the performance evaluation to make an objective evaluation. Totally 100 data was collected from 11 different researches. All the data are of normal concrete and of cube specimens. To reach a comment for necessity of our equations, a comparison was made between our equations and few equations from literature. Compressive strength of concrete was predicted for 100 data with our equations together with equations from literature. Statistical parameters such as average and relative error were used in performance evaluation. For the best model average of predicted and experimental compressive strength should be nearest one and relative error should smallest. Statistical evaluation parameters for all models are given as follow,As can be seen in the table in this table average is nearest one for Equation 1 and also relative error is the smallest. So, we can conclude that for the data grope was used, equation 1 is the best in prediction of the compressive strength from UPV.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Betonarme binaların dayanımlarının hızlı bir şekilde belirlenmesinde beton dayanımının kolay bir şekilde tespiti kilit bir öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada beton basınç dayanımının pratik, kolay ve yapıya zarar vermeyecek bir şekilde belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu nedenle hasarsız bir yöntem olan ultra ses dalgası yayılma hızından faydalanılmıştır. Bu çalışma çerçevesinde yapılan deneysel ve istatiksel değerlendirme çalışmaları neticesinde ultra ses dalgasının beton içindeki yayılma hızı ile beton basınç dayanımı arasında ampirik bir model geliştirilmiştir.



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