Determination of Groundwater
Potential of Harran Plain by
Geographical Information System
(GIS) Method
Journal Name:
- Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi
Keywords (Original Language):
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Abstract (2. Language):
Human beings have exploited and misused nature
and natural resources from past to present day
continuously. These exploitation and misuse have
continued today speedy. Today, water and land have
been left out of using or production due to wrongunconscious
use. Which are extremely important
natural resources for humanity, this situation
threatens sustainable agricultural opportunities.
Water and land resources need to be used in the
most accurate and rational way in order for
sustainable agriculture.
The fertile agricultural soils in our country, or in
other words, the soils of the plain, salted in
significant quantities due to false-unconscious
irrigation these salted soils have become barren
over time and have remained out of agricultural
production. Due to wrong-unconscious irrigation
and inadequate drainage in Turkey such as
Menderes, Cukurova and Konya plaıns have caused
significant salinization. In recent years, the most
typical example for the salinization of the land of the
plain is Harran plain.,
Harran plaın is one of the most important and
largest plains in the scope of the project besides
being the first plain opened for irrigation under
GAP. Harran has a very old agricultural past,
significant productions have been realized until
today. Civilizations living in this plaın carried the
waters of the Euphrates to the oven constantly and
they carried out important agricultural production
here. Despite the fact that there are important plains
in many parts of Turkey, the main theme of the study
is only the formation of the Harran focused on this
General information regarding the general
geological, meteorological, natural resources, and
natural water resources belonging to the upper
Harran -Şanlıurfa plain have been used for this
study. The logs of the water wells located within the
boundaries of the city center of Şanlıurfa belonging
to the public institutions and individuals were also
examined. Static water level, dynamic water level,
and well yield values were classified and thematic
maps were issued by modeling the data obtained
from the wells using by GIS programs.
Hydrogeological assessment was made with the help
of these thematic maps. With the purpose of being
able to control in the future the groundwater level at
the mentioned plain, a database includes the
thematic maps was created. As well-known creating
the risk maps and modeling the water potential have
an insurance feature to be optimally used water
resources. So, it hopes that this work will be an easy
guide for the next studies. It is thought that taking
the groundwater potential of the industrial zones as
well as the new residential areas into consideration
will be more helpful for the researchers to perform
further detailed studies. .
This study showed that, in most of the basins the
pump efficiency is 4-12 liters / sec. On the other
hand, the Static Water level appears to be between
30 and 60 meters, while a large part of the Dynamic
Water Level appears between 50 and 100 meters.
Finally; accordingly, the central and southern parts
of the basin are "good" in terms of groundwater
potential. While there is very little locally very good
ground potential in the north, part of the northwestern
part of the Basin and eastern and western
parts are generally "medium". On the other side, it
appears to be "weak", especially in the north-west,
Körkuyu, Kocak, Somak districts and in the west of
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Abstract (Original Language):
Şanlııurfa İline bağlı Harran ovasına ilişkin jeolojik, meteorolojik, tabii su kaynakları ile ilgili
genel bilgiler, Şanlıurfa -Harran ovasına ait genel jeolojik, meteorolojik, doğal kaynaklar ve doğal
su kaynakları ile ilgili genel bilgiler, bu çalışma için kullanılmıştır. Şanlıurfa kent merkezinin
sınırları içinde yer alan kamu kurum ve bireylere ait su kuyusu logları da incelenmiştir. Statik su
seviyesi, dinamik su seviyesi ve kuyu verim değerleri sınıflandırılarak ve tematik haritalar CBS
programları kullanılarak kuyulardan elde edilen veri modellemeyle sonuçlandırılmıştır.
Hidrojeolojik değerlendirme bu tematik haritaların yardımıyla yapılmıştır. Söz konusu ovada
gelecekte yeraltı suyu seviyesini kontrol edebilmek amacı ile tematik haritalar dâhilinde bir veri
tabanı oluşturuldu. Bilindiği gibi risk haritaları oluşturma ve su potansiyeli modellemesi en uygun
olarak kullanılan su kaynakları olmak üzere bir sigorta özelliğine sahiptir. Göz önüne alınan yeni
yerleşim alanları kadar sanayi bölgelerinin yeraltı suyu potansiyelinin de olması daha detaylı
çalışmalar yapan araştırmacılar için daha yararlı olacaktır.
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