Separation of Mountain Sand Washing
Water from Contained Clay and Silt
Journal Name:
- Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
In today's world in which decreased water
supply, reducing the amount of water used is
very important for most of the cleaning process.
New emerging environmentally friendly
processes is founded upon reduction of waste
and waste recoverable. This study was
conducted to reduce the river pollution that is
created by the washing water formed as a result
of washing of mountain sand. As a result of
precipitating in pools of waste water, it was
observed that waste water greatly cleaned from
silt and clay. As a result of the analysis
conducted: end of the four days rested in the
four stage pool, solids contained in the water
decreased from 15.28% to 0.5%. The waste
water causing environmental pollution and
containing so many solids was largely cleaned
and channeled into Tortum stream. As seen
from the results both water pollution and
environmental pollution related with water
pollution were prevented most economical by this
This wash sand is rich in clay and is used to
produce bricks. This clay layer not only
increases brick durability but also reduces
weight. Therefore, lighter and more resistant
bricks are obtained. Thus, using the
environmentally damaging parts in brickmaking,
not only the damage to the river is
prevented but also a distinctive contribution is
made to the economy.
Cleaning of the mountain sand washing waters
by this method provides the following
1. The cost of this waste water treatment is very
low compared to other process such as
membrane systems, diffusion and electro
2. The cleaned water can be used as wash water
3. The remaining solid (clay and silt) waste is
available in the relevant industry such as brick
4. Farmland that used rivers water for
irrigation is protected.
5. Aquatic animal deaths are reduced.
This method was determined to be very
advantageous in terms of both economically and
environmental pollution. A regulation is to be
made to prevent the channeling the dirty water,
which occurs as a result of washing mountain
sand containing high amounts of clay, into
rivers without being cleaned. And prevent such
damage, the relevant agencies should improve
the supervision of the quarries mining mountain
sand and the EIA (Environmental Impact
Assessment) reports of newly-established ones
should be prepared as complete.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalışma inşaat sektörünün vazgeçilmez ihtiyaçlarından biri olan kumun yıkanması sonucu oluşan yıkama
suyunun oluşturduğu akarsu kirliliğini azaltmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Dağ kumunun yıkanması sonucu kil ve
kum ile kirlenen suyun kademeli kavuzlarda dinlendirilmesi sonucu içerisindeki kil kumun büyük oranda
temizlendiği görülmüştür. Yapılan analizler sonucunda 4 gün boyunca 10mx20m’lik kademeli dört havuzda
dinlendirilen suyun içerisindeki katı madde miktarının %15,28’den % 0,5’e kadar düştüğü görülmüştür.
Çevre kirliliğine sebep olan çok fazla katı madde içeren yıkama suyu büyük oranda temizlenerek tortum
çayına verilmiştir.
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