Numerical analysis of uplift capacity
behaviour of strip plate anchors under
different conditions
Journal Name:
- Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
There are many structures need a footing system
that provides sufficient support by resisting loads
that are affected by vertical and horizontal uplift
forces. Examples include transmission towers,
anchored bulkheads, submerged pipelines, and
tunnels. Stability and support of such structures can
be provided by transferring the loads from the
structures foundation through the use of tension
elements. These elements are soil anchors, which
are generally fixed to structures and are embedded
to sufficient soil depths to provide adequate amounts
of support within required safety limits. Plate
anchors are light structural members employed to
withstand uplift forces. They are generally made of
steel, precast concrete, poured concrete or timber
and may be formed into shapes such as square,
rectangular, circular and strip. Horizontal plate
anchors can be constructed by excavating the
ground to certain design depths, placing the plate in
position, connecting to cable and then backfilling
and compacting with good quality of soil material.
In this study, uplift capacity of plate anchors in sand
was investigated using finite element method. Finite
element analyses were performed using
commercially available computer program PLAXIS.
The PLAXIS v8.2 program is a geotechnical finite
element package specifically intended for twodimensional
analysis of deformation and stability of
any geotechnical engineering project. The simple
graphical input procedure enables a quick
generation of complex finite element models, and the
enhanced output facilities provide a detailed
presentation of the computational results. The
calculation itself is fully automated and based on
robust numerical procedures. In the analysis, strip
shaped plates were used as anchor plates and was
modeled under plain-strain conditions. The sand soil
was modeled using two different soil model as
Mohr-Coulomb and Hardening Soil model.
In study, the effect of embedment depth (H/B=1-2-3-
4-5-6-7-8), the relative density of sand (=39°-44°)
and width of the plate anchors (B=50cm-75cm-
100cm) on the uplift capacity were investigated.
The H/B ratios were varied from 1.00 to 8.00. The
results show that the general trends of finite element
analysis agree well with those of the theoretical
results. It can be seen that the ultimate uplift load,
Tu increases significantly with an increase in
embedment ratio, H/B. Plate anchor in maximum
embedment ratio, H/B=8, had higher uplift capacity
than in minimum embedment ratio such as H/B=1.
Results show that the values of Tu increase with an
increase in relative density of sand both
theoretically and numerically. It is evidence that
relative density of sand is one of the main
parameters affecting the uplift capacity of the plate
anchor. This increase in uplift capacity of plate
anchor with relative density of sand can be
attributed to the weight of soil and shearing
resistance. The weight of the soil increases with
relative density and embedment ratio. In addition
those, failure surface length increases with
embedment ratio. Thus, the uplift capacity of
anchors in sand is strongly influenced by their
embedment ratio and by the relative density of the
sand. The results also show that Tu increase with an
increase in width of the plate anchors. This increase
in uplift capacity of plate anchor with plate width
can be attributed to the weight of soil on the plate
The uplift capacity of strip plate anchors embedded
in sand was investigated numerically. Based on the
results, the following main conclusions can be
Both experimental and theoretical studies show that
uplift capacity for strip plate anchors in sand
increase with an increase in anchor embedment
ratio, relative density of sand and width of the plate
A satisfactory agreement between the experimental
and theoretical results on general trend of behaviour
is observed. However, the values obtained from
finite element analysis appears to be smaller than
that obtained from the theoretical values.
Finite element method has some advantages to
recognize the failure nechanism of plate anchors in
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalışmada, kumlu zeminlere gömülü şerit ankraj plakalarının çekme kapasitesi davranışı sayısal olarak
analiz edilmiştir. Bu amaçla, prototip bir model oluşturulmuş ve farklı koşullar için sonlu elemanlar
analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile çözüm yapan PLAXIS bilgisayar
programı kullanılmıştır. Analizlerde, ankraj genişliği, gömülme derinliği ve kumun sıkılık derecesi
parametrelerinin, şerit ankraj plakalarının çekme kapasitesi davranışına etkileri incelenmiştir. Tüm
analizler iki farklı malzeme modeli (Mohr-Coulomb ve Hardening Soil) kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve elde
edilen çekme kapasitesi değerleri, teorik sonuçlarla karşılaştırılmıştır.
Analizler sonunda elde edilen sonuçlara göre, kuma gömülü şerit ankraj plakalarının çekme kapasitesi,
plaka genişliği, ankraj gömülme derinliği ve kumun sıkılığının artmasına bağlı olarak artış göstermektedir.
Hardening Soil malzeme modeli kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen analizlerden elde edilen çekme kapasitesi
değerleri, Mohr-Coulomb malzeme modeli ile elde edilen değerlerden daha büyüktür. Ayrıca, sayısal
analizlerden elde edilen çekme kapasitesi değerleri ile teorik çözümden elde edilen değerler arasında genel
bir uyum söz konusudur. Ancak, teorik çözüm ile elde edilemeyen deplasman ve gerilme davranışının sonlu
elemanlar yöntemiyle gözlenebilmesi konunun daha rahat anlaşılmasına olanak sağlamaktadır.
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