Colouring Performance of Fe2O3
Containing Raw Material in
Transparent Glaze
Journal Name:
- Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Ceramic body, engobe and glaze are coloured with
pigments that are classified as natural and synthetic.
Natural pigments exist as simple oxides in nature. It
draws attention in particular iron oxides, which can
give different colours among natural pigments. The
main raw material of traditional pottery is red clay
which includes iron oxide and a wide range of
researches are performed studies on the use of red
clay for colouring ceramic casting slip, engobe and
In this study, colouration of transparent glaze
maturing at low temperatures was intended by
adding the raw material containing Fe2O3 from
Cavdarusagi village in the region Kayseri-Yahyali
as a natural pigment. The raw material was wet
ground in a ball mill for 30 minutes and passed
through a 100 μm sieve. Chemical analysis of
undersize raw material contains 6.86 wt. % Fe2O3
which was determined by X-ray fluorescence
spectrometer XRF-Rigaku ZSX Primus. Undersize
raw material was dried at 110 °C and added into
standard transparent glaze at 20 wt. %, 40 wt. %
and 60 wt. %, respectively. Glazed samples were
fired at 1000 °C in a laboratory kiln (Refsan Kaleo-
27). Performing colour measurement of glazed
samples, L *, a *, b * values were determined.
Formation of new phases was examined by X-ray
diffraction (XRD), development of the
microstructure was determined by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM).
Glazed samples’ L*, a*, b* values were measured
by Minolta CM-3600d color measuring instrument.
The L* value, representing lightness or darkness of
the colour, decreased due to the increment of the
additional raw material amount and allowed the
darkening of the colour. The lowest L * value
(39.44) was measured for glaze with the 60 wt. %
additional raw material compared with standard
and other additive containing glazes. The a* value is
expressing redness when it is positive. A small
increment in the a* value was seen due to the
increment of the additional raw material amount in
glaze. The b* value is expressing yellowness when it
is positive. The lowest amount (20 wt. %) additional
raw material containing glaze has the highest b*
value (+18.18). Due to the increasing amounts of
additional raw material, colour changed from light
brown to dark brown.
The crystalline phase analysis of the prepared glazes
was determined by Rigaku Rint 2200 (XRD) device.
SiO2 phase was identified in all glazes fired at 1000
°C. In addition to SiO2 phase, anorthite phase was
detected when the amount of additional raw material
was above 40 wt. %.
The microstructure of the prepared glazes was
performed by Zeiss the EVO 50 EP scanning
electron microscope (SEM). Representative back
scattered electron (BSE) image for glaze containing
60 wt. % additional raw material revealed that the
crystals formed in the glassy phase. According to the
results of the SEM-EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray)
analysis of the same sample, anorthite containing
glassy phase region contained 57.46 wt. % SiO2,
26.20 wt. % Al2O3, 10.93 wt. % CaO, 2.75 wt. %
Na2O, 1.41 wt. % MgO, and 1.25 wt. % K2O. These
results revealed the existence of the anorthite phase
was determined by the XRD device. The other phase
was SiO2 which detected by XRD device. According
to another EDX result, 100 wt. % SiO2 was detected
in the microstructure. In addition, Fe2O3 grains
were identified with microstructure analysis. The
grains were not dissolved in the glassy phase and
have played an effective role in the formation of
colour with staying insoluble.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalışmada, Kayseri-Yahyalı yöresindeki Çavdaruşağı köyünden alınan ve Fe2O3 içeren kahverengi
hammadde kullanılarak düşük sıcaklıklarda olgunlaşan şeffaf sırların renklendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Hammadde bilyeli değirmende 30 dakika yaş olarak öğütülmüştür ve 100μm elekten geçirilen hammadde
sırda kullanılmıştır. Standart şeffaf sıra %20, %40 ve %60 oranlarında hammadde ilavesi yapılmıştır. 1000
˚C’de pişirilen sırlı numunelerde hammaddenin artan oranlarına bağlı olarak açık kahverengiden koyu
kahverengiye değişen renkler elde edilmiştir. Sıra %60 oranında renkli hammadde ilavesi yapıldığında renk
ölçümleri sonucuna göre en düşük L* (açıklık) ve en yüksek a* (kırmızılık) değerleri bulunmuştur. Renkli
hammadde ilave miktarı %40 oranı üzerine çıkarıldığında ise, sırda anortit kristallerinin oluştuğu
numunelerin faz analizlerinde tespit edilmiştir. Taramalı elektron mikroskobunda yapılan EDX analizi de
anortit kristallerinin oluşumunu desteklemektedir.
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