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İngiliz Barok’unun Özelliklerinin Edebi Anlatımda Kullanılması

Peculiarities of English Baroque in Its Literary Expression

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present paper considers the general characteristics of the Metaphysical Poetry in English literature in relation to the general cultural attitude of the European Baroque. In the present state of terminology, ‘metaphysical’ and ‘baroque’ are accepted as synonyms to describe a period of intense emotional attitudes, complexity and confusion, in which the poetry of John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Richard Crashaw, Abraham Cowley, and Andrew Marvell received a highest level of prominence.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu tezde İngiliz edebiyatındaki metafiziksel şiirin genel özellikleri Avrupa Barok’unun genel kültürel tutumları bağlamında incelenmektedir. Günümüz terminolojisinde “metafizik” ve “barok” kavramları yoğun duygusal tutumların hakim olduğu karışık ve karmaşık dönemi tasvir etmek için eş anlamlı kelimeler olarak kabul edilmektedir. John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Richard Crashaw, Abraham Cowley, ve Andrew Marvell ile bu şiir sanatı en üst düzeye ulaşmıştır.



BALD, R.C., John Donne. A Life, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1984;
COOK, Guy, Discourse and Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995;
CUDDON, J. A., The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, 3rd edn., London, Penguin Books Ltd., 1992;
DAICHES, David, A Critical History of English Literature, 4 vols., Secker & Warburg, 1975;
FERRY, Anne, All in War with Time. Love Poetry of Shakespeare, Donne, Jonson, Marvell, London, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1975;
FOWLER, Alastair, Kinds of Literature. An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1982;
HYMAN, Lawrence, Andrew Marvell, New York, Twayne Publishers Inc., 1964;
JONES, Richard Foster, The Seventeenth Century, Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature, Stanford, 1951;
SANDERS, Andrew, The Short Oxford History of English Literature, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994.

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