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The Impact of Public Capital on the Efficiency of Private Manufacturing Industry at the Regional Level

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The public capital installed in a region has an important role in the development of that region, because the studies in this area show us that public capital has an important role on the private sector performance. It is expected that public capital enhances private sector efficiency, and thus the output of that sector. As it is well known regional disparities still exist in Turkey. The research in this area shows that public capital can be used to reduce regional disparities. In this respect the main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of public capital formation on the efficiency of private manufacturing industries in Turkey at NUTS II level. While most of the studies in this area use public capital as a direct input for production, we assume that public capital has an effect on private output by enhancing technical efficiency. For the aim of the study, we employ data envelopment analysis to calculate efficiency scores by using a panel data of 25 regions at the first stage; afterwards we estimate the effects of public capital on private sector efficiency econometrically by using these scores. The results reveal that public capital has positive impact on private sector efficiency both at the regional level and regional level.
1167 - 1174



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1. Using the production function approach has been questioned in
the literature, because elasticity estimated in most commonly used
Cobb-Douglas production function is sometimes too big to be credible.
These studies also have been critisied for contatining some
econometric problems (see Kim and Lee 2002 and Fernandez and
Montuenga-Gomez, 2003 for more details). Therefore, we also emloy
two step method in this study.
2. Since data are not available for the other sectors at the regional level,
we are restricted to the manufacturing industry in this study.
3. Although there are 26 regions at NUTS II level in Turkey, we had to
drop the TRC3 (Mardin) region due to data unavailability in manufacturing
industry belonging to this region. Therefore, we estimate
the effects of public capital on private sector performance for the 25
4. As the data related to manufacturing industry is only available until
2001, we take 2001 as the latest year.
5. Önder carried out the study for some selected regions, while
Karadağ carried out the study for the seven geographical regions for
the time period between 1980-2000.
6. It grew at about 4.5 % on average during this period (see www.dpt. for details)
7. As mentioned before, we dropped Mardin Region (TR3) because
the data is not available for all years for this region. Also, as the data
related to manufacturing industry at the regional level is only available
until 2001, the time period covers 1980 to 2001.
8. Total horsepower of installed equipment can also be used as a proxy
for capital. (See, Taymaz and Saatçi, 1997).
I would like to thank Ege University, Research and Application Centre of
Science and Technology for the financial support they gave for this
Project under grant İKT007.
University Working Paper Series No.1998/08.
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