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One of the most significant of all post-war demographics phenomena and one that promises to loom even larger in the future is the rapid growth of cities: as in particularly developing countries. In Turkey where the population growth rates were very steady until 1950’s, the first large scaled migration movement started in between 1950-1960’s and major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, İzmir and other industrial and trade based cities has received the large proportion of immigrants in the country. Cities like İzmir take in place Mediterranean coastal are facing serious problems of habitat destruction, water contamination, coastal erosion and resource depletion and air-sea pollution with uncontrolled flow of immigrants. İzmir like other cities, especially Mediterranean low-income countries also suffer from serious socio-economic and cultural problems. Another problem, which the influx of migrants has brought to urban areas, is the development of squatter communities. The squatting problem may be viewed as part of the larger problem of inadequate urban housing. In this article, briefly discussed that how rapid urbanizations effects the urban settlement with in the concern of environmental issues. Especially İzmir settlement environmental chancing with in the result of rapid urbanizations is taken in concern.



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