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- Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
This study involved students who were enrolled in the 3rd semester of a Master of Educational Research and
Assessment program at the Institute of Education and Research during their teaching practicum. The purpose of
the study was to examine the effectiveness of group reflection activity in professional growth of practicing
teachers during practice teaching. The data was collected from eleven students who were videoed during teaching
practice. The selection of students to be videoed was made on the basis of their grades in pedagogy related
courses on campus. Five students with the highest grades and six students with the lowest grades were selected
for this purpose. Each student was assessed through peer observations during practice teaching sessions. The data
was collected through twenty-seven observations. Twenty-two observations were taken before the reflection
sessions and five after the reflection sessions. During the reflection session they were shown their recorded videos
along with summary statistics of peer observations. The activity helped in identifying strengths and weaknesses
of each participant evident during teaching. The effect of the reflection sessions was clearly visible on their
performance during post reflection peer observations. This effect was generally uniform for both high achievers
and low achievers. There is little conclusive evidence that performance in pedagogy related courses can be
helpful in predicting the difference in the ability to learn from self and group reflective activities in general.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalısma, ögretmenlik uygulaması sırasında Egitim ve Arastırma Enstitüsü bünyesindeki Egitim Arastırma ve
Degerlendirmesi yüksek lisans programının 3. dönemine kayıtlı ögrencileri kapsamaktadır. Bu çalısmanın amacı,
ögretmenlik uygulaması sırasında kullanılan grup yansıtma etkinliginin ögretmen adaylarının profesyonel
gelismeleri üzerindeki etkililigini arastırmaktır. Katılımcıların seçilmesi, pedagoji temelli derslerden aldıkları
notlar baz alınarak yapılmıstır. Bu amaç dogrultusunda, bes tane en yüksek not alan, altı tane de en düsük not alan
ögrenci seçilmistir. Her bir ögrenci, ögretmenlik uygulaması dersi sırasında akran gözlemleri kullanılarak
degerlendirilmistir. Veriler yirmiyedi gözlem sonucunda toplanmıstır. Yansıtma oturumu öncesinde yirmiiki
gözlem, sonrasında ise bes gözlem yapılmıstır. Yansıtma oturumu sırasında ögrencilere kaydedilmis videoları
gösterilerek akran gözlem istatistikleri özet halinde sunulmustur. Yansıtma oturumlarının etkileri, yansıtma
sonrası akran gözlemlemelerinde açıkça görülmüstür. Bu etki yüksek basarılı olanlarla, düsük basarı sahiplerinde
genellikle tek tip olarak gözlenmistir.
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