Journal Name:
- Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Islamic literature is the one which represents the reality of religious life in all its dimensions
and events to symbolize this life in a creative image through texts with different topics,
whether prose or poetry. Subsequently, the literary work can be considered as the mirror that
reflects the image of the human life without neglecting any aspect of it as it is irrelevant to the
Muslim’s life because anything can be a source of inspiration for fiction, poetry or even
criticism works. However, this is not completely true. Islamic literature tends to avoid the
discussion of certain topics and considers them prohibited, and this leaves room for others’
pens to write about them in any way they choose. Writers of Islamic literature should treat
the various topics in an objective way and take a neutral stance that would help in treating
those topics according to their perspectives and in line with their thoughts. This would have
a great influence on their writing making it read by a largest number of readers, and without
being limited to one category over the other.
Eventually, we will discuss the levels of criticism in Islamic literature to find out whether they
depend on subjective criteria based on moral values or on critical criteria which vary
according to the nature of the work itself.
The concept of Islamic criticism includes every conscious study of any written production
with a value according to the thinking criteria. The criticism of Islamic literature is one of the
different aspects of the general Islamic criticism. The most important criterion of the Islamic
criticism is avoiding the standardization that seeks subjectivity and tries to give a place and a
location for each element on the scale of values. This goes contrary to the objective vision
which is the pillar of Islamic criticism. This vision seeks to show the essence of any element
so it gives credibility to the Islamic criticism.
We notice that the objective criticism is based on neutrality and deals with the criticized topic
as a whole trying to save the academic communication between the critics and authors who
are bound by the discovery and creativity strings in the field of literary production. It means
that the critic has to take into consideration during the criticism process the Islamic ethics and scientific rules inspired from the provisions of Islamic sharia, sunnah and prerequisites
related to criticism. So, he criticizes the idea not the writer and criticizes by giving advice as
it is one of the fundamentals of Islamic religion. The positive criticism aims at reviving the
spirit of competition and strengthening the personality of the author not banishing him. And
there is no harm if the Islamic criticism borrows some western criticism criteria and takes
benefits from its researchers’ experiences provided that these criteria go along with its
civilizational project. So, the criteria of the Islamic criticism have to be global with humanistic
dimension keeping the critics away from purposeless conflicts.
The most important criticism criteria during the early Islam period are religion, morals and
objectivity. The prophet’s criticism vision was based on three elements: content criticism;
form criticism: disposition and artificiality, the beauty of the word and succinctness; and
judging poets. Omar Ibn Al Khattab restricted his literature criticism vision to two elements:
objectivity and moral and religious vision.
Hence, we can say that the principles of the criticism in Islam is limited in: artistic and moral
truth in Islamic literary creativity, strength and obviousness of the meaning and the form in
literary production, authenticity, exhaustiveness and stability, absolute positive realism, faith
commitment, and appropriate renewal fitting with Islamic values. But, there are a lot of
obstacles facing the Islamic criticism but the major obstacle consists of the relationship
between poetry and religion or poetry and morals.
The modern Arab researchers adopted the movement of separation between religion and art,
basing their arguments on doctrines of western philosophy; where they felt themselves free
to produce literature which is not in any way linked to the principles of the Islamic Sharia.
Thus, Islamic criticism becomes a stranger and absent from the criticism process of all
creative works. Subsequently, it tightens the field of the Islamic criticism.
Finally, the present paper attempts to account for the current trends of criticism and its
contemporary orientations in relation to Islamic literature. Also, it attempts to shed some
light on the principles of the critical method and how to be developed in order to get along
with today’s literary product and therefore making the message of Islamic literature a global
one with a humanistic orientation in the first place.
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Abstract (Original Language):
الأدب الإسلامي هو الذي يتمثل واقع الحياة الدينية بجميع أبعادها وأحداثها ليجسدها صورةً إبداعيةً تنطق عن حقيقتها نصوصٌ مختلفة
المواضيع سواء أكانت نثرية أو شعرية ويكون الشكل الأدبي بعد ذلك المحضنَ الأساسَ الذي يرسم ملامحها تجسيدا لمعطيات الحياة
الإنسانية بمختلف مناحيها دون أن يستبعد جانب من جوانب الحياة على أنّه لا علاقة له بحياة المسلم، لأنّ خضمّ الحياة مسرح يستثمره
الأديب ليجعل منه مصدرا لإبداعه الروائي أو الشعري أو النقدي، غير أنّ هذه الحقيقة تلفّها ضبابيةٌ في الأدب الإسلامي الذي ينأى
حية صارخة، فلو وقف كتّاب الأدب
ال لأقلام غيره أن يكتبوا فيها بنفسه عن تناول بعض المواضيع التي يراها محظورة ويترك ا
م التي تصطبغ بفكرهم لكان الإسلامي من جميع المواضيع في الحياة الإنسانية موقفا محايدا يساعدهم على معالجتها ودراستها وفق نظر
لذلك الصنيع عظيم الأثر في قيمة ما يكتبونه، حيث من الضروري أن يجد إبداعهم هذا صدى عند أكبر عدد من القراء دون تخصيص
فئة بعينها.
ت النقد في الأدب الإسلامي هل هي مقتصرة على المعايير الذاتية التي أساسها إلى الحديث عن مستو وهذا المنحى هو الذي يقود
القيم الأخلاقية فحسب أم أنّ المعايير النقدية تتفاوت وتختلف بحسب طبيعة العمل الفني، وسنحاول من خلال هذا المقال أن نتلمّس
الواقع النقدي ومداراته المعاصرة للأدب الإسلامي، كما سنسعى لإبراز قواعد المنهج النقدي وكيفية تطويرها لتساير واقع المنتج الأدبي
لدّرجة الأولى.
الذي يوائم خصوصية المرحلة، ممّا يساعد على جعل رسالة الأدب الإسلامي رسالة عالمية ذات بعد إنساني
الكلمات الدالة: أدب الإسلامي، النقد المعاصر، مدارات
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