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Some cases in international law is one of the exceptional cases where a partial transfer of state sovereignty. Jus cogens refers to the provisions of these exceptional cases in international law. Prohibition of slavery, prevention of human rights violations, sovereignty, sovereign equality, etc. shown as an example of jus cogens. In this point The importance of jus cogens are being sourced from the premise of the development of international humanitarian law needs. In this context jus cogens has great importance for the development of international law. However, exceptions and violations of jus cogens has also opened the door to corruption to essence of concept. In this aspect the concept of sovereignty equality of states is among the controversial issues of jus cogens. Violation of the principle of sovereign equality of states is overshadowed to jus cogens character of this concept. In this respect the evaluation of the concept of sovereign equality of states is important. The main objective of the study; to discover the jus cogens nature of concept of sovereign equality of states and to highlight the violations. So jus cogens nature of the concept of sovereign equality will be analyzed. Almost none of the state's in the international system, is not equal on issues such as geography, population, military and economic power, social structure. But it is accepted that all states have a universally accepted absolute sovereignty over their territory over. At this point if states reveals UN conditions such as country, population and independent constituion, states is accepted as equal and sovereign. Some cases in international law is one of the exceptional cases where a partial transfer of state sovereignty. Jus cogens refers to the provisions of these exceptional cases in international law. Prohibition of slavery, prevention of human rights violations, sovereignty, sovereign equality, etc. shown as an example of jus cogens. In this point The importance of jus cogens are being sourced from the premise of the development of international humanitarian law needs. The concept of jus cogens which is used first time in Vienna Convention is created with the aim to highlight the rights and obligations of states under international law. The French representative worked to increase the efficiency of France's congress by competing with smaller states and restricting their sovereignty. After this initiative, the Great Powers of of the period, Great Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria signed a protocol and other countries were considered equal and sovereign in the international system, although all other factors were not important. Thus, the principle of the sovereign equality has been laid to be the norm of jus cogens. In this congress, the concept of the primitive norm used for the first time is generally used to express certain rules without exception. In this context, the jus cogens concept of international law has been accepted as part of the doctrine of natural law and has foreseen that states must comply with certain rules of international law. At this point, jus cogens rules are important in terms of being hierarchically superior to other legal rules. However, there is a dilemma about the imperative norms, as there is no sanction mechanism, which is the most fundamental problem of international law, and states pursue more political goals in bilateral relations. For example, while the sovereign equality of states is regarded as a jus cogens rule, the existence of the United Nations Security Council emerges as a dilemma. This situation directly contradicts the principle that jus cogens rules can not be breached. In this respect, examination of the matter is important. In this study, firstly a conceptual framework will be formed by focusing on the concepts of state, sovereignty and equality of states. Then, in context of concept such us sovereignty and sovereign equality, the relation with the jus cogens principle of the sovereign equality of states will be dealt with. Finally, the debate over whether or not the concept of sovereign equality of states will be jus cogens will be discussed, and the approaches put forward in this issue will be discussed and a conclusion will be reached.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Uluslararası hukukta bazı meseleler devletlerin kısmi olarak egemenliklerini devrettikleri istisnai durumlardandır. Jus cogens kurallar bu istisnai durumların uluslararası hukuktaki karşılığını ifade etmektedir. Jus cogense örnek olarak köleliğin yasaklanması, insan hakları ihlallerinin önlenmesi, egemenlik, egemen eşitlik vs. gösterilebilir. Bu açıdan jus cogensin önemi insancıl bir uluslararası hukuk ihtiyacının gelişmesinin öncülü olmasından kaynaklıdır. Bu bağlamda jus cogens uluslararası hukukun gelişimi açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Ancak jus cogensin istisnaları ve ihlalleri kavramın özünün bozulmasına da kapı açmıştır. Devletlerin egemen eşitliği kavramı da bu yönüyle jus cogensin tartışmalı konuları arasında yer almaktadır. Devletlerin egemen eşitliği ilkesinin ihlal edilmesi bu kavramın jus cogens niteliğine gölge düşürmektedir. Bu açıdan devletlerin egemen eşitliği kavramının değerlendirilmesi önemlidir. Çalışmanın temel amacı ise; devletlerin egemen eşitliği kavramının jus cogens niteliğinin ortaya çıkarılması ve ihlallerinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Böylece egemen eşitlik kavramının jus cogens niteliği vurgulanmış olacaktıra



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