Journal Name:
- Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
The individual perception and beliefs to deal with a particular situation will affect the
decision-making process and behaviors. If individuals with positive perceptions of their
personal skills believe to be able to solve the problem or manage the challenge, they tend to
take risks and can communicate effectively. Social efficacy, one of the perceptions of the
individual is about the belief of the individual's social skills and the performance in a social
situation. This perception, which is influenced by many factors such as family, friends, age,
gender, fraternal relations, is also caused by the influence of situational factors and cultural
determinants as well as personal characteristics. From a social viewpoint, the individual
develops a belief in his or her ability to socialize, that is, the ability to empathize and socialize,
and begins to think that he or she is in this behavioral pattern. When the individual perceives
himself or herself as successful in the social sense, he or she obtains positive assumptions,
such as self-esteem, self-sufficiency and social acceptance; on the other hand the perception
of failure causes the negative consequences such as exclusion, abuse and asocial behavior.
Social efficacy includes two basic dimensions as emotional and social which emphasize the
internal and observable factors. Each dimension has three sub-dimensions which include the
following factors (Riggio, 1986: 650):
• Emotional expressivity: Emotional expressivity is about the general skill in
nonverbal sending. It refers to focusing on posed emotional sending through the ability to
express. This kind of expressivity is characterized as emotionally charged.
• Emotional sensitivity: Emotional sensitivity is about the general skill in receiving
and decoding the nonverbal communications of others. It refers to being able to concerned
with and vigilant in observing the nonverbal emotional cues of others through the decoding
the emotions.Emotional control: Emotional control is about the general ability to control and
regulate emotional and nonverbal displays. It refers to being a good emotional actor and pose
emotions on cue through the using conflicting emotional cues to mask felt emotional states.
• Social expressivity: Social expressivity is about the general verbal speaking skill and
an ability to engage others in social interaction. It refers to appearing outgoing and gregarious
because of their ability to initiate conversations with others. This skill includes the speaking
spontaneously without apparent control or monitoring of the content.
• Social sensitivity: Social sensitivity is about the decoding and understanding verbal
communication and general knowledge of the norms. It refers to being attentive to others
through the knowledge of social norms and rules.
• Social control: Social control is about the general skill in social self-presentation. It
refers to being socially adept, tactful and socially adept. This skill includes the taking a
particular stance or orientation in a discussion and playing various social roles.
These sub-dimensions are considered the main variable in this study. Because the social skill
and efficacy become is even more important in the professions that need to be face to face
with people. Therefore, the subject of the study is not only important in the professions, but
also is important for the education. Because the theoretical education gives information about
the literature, but there is also need some social knowledge in the work life.
From this viewpoint, the aim of the study is defined as determine the social efficacy of the
tourism students, which are needed social skills more than other sectors, because of the
nature of the service sector. The satisfaction of the consumers is up to employees’
communication skills and the quality of service in a large extent.
The target population of the study is the tourism students because of the fact that the tourism
sector needs the social skills. Moreover, there needs an attention to social skills in the
education. The sample of the study is the 90 Silifke Taşucu Vocational School Students that
in the travel, tourism and recreation services. The full inventory methods are used, but the
number of the students is also is one of the boundaries of the study. Each sub-dimension has
15 items and the survey has 90 social efficacy items totally. The data are analyzed through the
correlation, t-test and descriptive analysis. The participants are 46% male and 53% female
and the greater part of them is single as expected.
According to the results, there are significant correlations between sub-dimensions, and the
level of the total social efficacy is 2,8875 on a 5 point scale. Moreover, there are significant
differences between the means of the social efficacy according to gender groups, while other
demographic factors do not have any effects.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalışmada, iletişim becerilerinin oldukça önemli olduğu hizmet sektörlerinden biri olan
turizm alanında çalışmayı düşünen öğrencilerin, sosyal yeterlik algıları ölçülmüş ve bu
algının demografik faktörlere göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı analiz edilmiştir. 90 ifadelik
Sosyal Beceri Envanteri ve 10 demografik sorudan oluşan anket formu, tam sayım metoduyla
Taşucu MYO öğrencilerine uygulanmış ve sosyal yeterliğin cinsiyet faktörüne göre
farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Duyuşsal anlatımcılık, duyuşsal duyarlık, duyuşsal kontrol,
sosyal anlatımcılık, sosyal duyarlık ve sosyal kontrol olmak üzere 6 alt boyuttan oluşan sosyal
yeterliğin, örneklem kapsamında orta seviyelerde olduğu ve yaş, gelir düzeyi, aile eğitim
seviyesi gibi cinsiyet dışındaki faktörler açısından farklılaşmadığı belirlenmiştir.
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