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The Turkish Labor Movement in the EU: The Success and the Nature of Harmonization Process

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The case for labour movement in the EU is tied to the future equilibrium of the labour market, implying a minimum harmonization that has several limits. Therefore, the question of Turkish labour movement in the EU has been subject to the legislative structure that Turkey has to cover from its present situation to a possible accession to the EU. The EU encourages Turkey to strengthen its efforts to ensure full employment and social security rights in line with EU standards. This is particular relevant for the strengthening of the social dimension inside the EU and in a candidate country through more and better jobs, adequate social protection, labour standards and fostering the development. It is essential to bring Turkish legislation closer to the EU levels and the minimum standard application under the Community Law. The debate has focused on how far Turkey’s recent constitutional amendment package has brought significant improvements in the area of social policy. The purpose of this paper is to review the harmonization process for compliance with EU’s acquis communautaire through the accession of Turkey. This necessitates an analysis of the policy adjustments including approximation of Turkish labour law and social policy legislation. In this context, an interesting background material for the policy issues of the legal and social status of the EU workers in Turkey, which may arise in the event of accession, are described.



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