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Randi ́c Energy and Randi ́c Estrada Index of a Graph

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Let G be a simple connected graph with n vertices and let di be the degree of its i-th vertex. The Randi´c matrix of G is the square matrix of order n whose ! i, j " -entry is equal to 1/ # didj if the i-th and j-th vertex of G are adjacent, and zero otherwise. The Randi´c eigenvalues are the eigenvalues of the Randi´c matrix. The Randi´c energy is the sum of the absolute values of the Randi´c eigenvalues. In this paper, we introduce a new index of the graph G which is called Randi´c Estrada index. In addition, we obtain lower and upper bounds for the Randi´c energy and the Randi´c Estrada index of G.



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