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On (omega)-(beta) Continuous Functions

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Abstract (2. Language): 
A subset A of topological space (X,) is said to be ! −open [3] if for every x ∈ A there exists an −open set U containing x such that U − A is a countable. In this paper, we introduce and study new class of function which is ! −continuous functions by using the notion of ! −open sets. This new class of function defines as a function f : (X,)→(Y,) from a topological space (X,) into a topological space (Y,) is ! −Continuous function if and only if for each x ∈ X and each open set V in (Y,) containing f (x) there exists an ! −open set U containing x such that f (U) ⊆ V. We give some characterizations of ! −Continuous functions, define ! −irresolute and ! −open function. Finally, we find relationship between these type of function.



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