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The Four Major Angles in The Heavenly Religions (Gabriel, Michael, Saraphiel, Azrael)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the Islamic terminology Islam, Judaism and Christianity are named with “The Celestial Religions”. In these religions the belief in angels is a common subject of the faith. There are many passages that build the angelic beliefs in their sacred texts. Exist of the Angels and their natures, types, classes and names are discussed in of their angelogies. The Major angels announced their names have been seen in every one of them. There are some similar creeds and knowledges about these angels among these religions. But also there are some different and contrary creeds among them. The Muslims believe in that Gabriel, Michael, Saraphiel, Azrael are four major angels. Gabriel and Michael mentioned with these names in The Koran and Torah and The Bibles. Azrael is not mentioned in the sacred books with this name. He is mentioned as “The Angel of Death” only. Also Seraphiel isn’t mentioned in the sacred books. But he talked about himself in the jew’s apokrative books and Prophet Muhammed’s hadiths. The beliefs of religions about their works or duties and characteristics sometimes are smilar and somtimes are different. When we compare Islam’s angelic creeds with the other’s, we can say that Judaism and Christianity have got some opposite beliefs. Also we can say that there are some Marks demonstrate the Judaic effects on some of Muslim’s angelic accepts. From the Kalamic perspective applying to Koran is necessary for distinguishing between right and wrong beliefs about the major angels.



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