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Abstract (2. Language): 
The death contitutes one important period of peoples life.There are a few customs and applications almost in every society in this important period.The Caferis have some customs and applications abaout the death like it is seen in Anatolien.The subject of this investigation is antemortem, the moment of death, the later of death at the Caferis.The place of investigation is Ankara, Keçiören.The Caferis in this investigationlive in that district.These Caferis are from the source of Azeri and they migrated from Kars to Keçiören. It can be said the Caferi’s ceremonies and the days in this ceremonies made, are made for the deads are similar to old turkish applications.Although the turkish had approriated to different religion a long the ages, the old turkishe religious tradition effected all the moralishe life of Turks.This effect can be seen too at the Caferis that live in Keçiören.
Abstract (Original Language): 
The death contitutes one important period of peoples life.There are a few customs and applications almost in every society in this important period.The Caferis have some customs and applications abaout the death like it is seen in Anatolien.The subject of this investigation is antemortem, the moment of death, the later of death at the Caferis.The place of investigation is Ankara, Keçiören.The Caferis in this investigationlive in that district.These Caferis are from the source of Azeri and they migrated from Kars to Keçiören. It can be said the Caferi’s ceremonies and the days in this ceremonies made, are made for the deads are similar to old turkish applications.Although the turkish had approriated to different religion a long the ages, the old turkishe religious tradition effected all the moralishe life of Turks.This effect can be seen too at the Caferis that live in Keçiören.



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