Ibn Darraj Al-Qostoli: is Abu Omar Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Ahmed Asi
bin Salman bin Isa bin Alkstala rider Andalusian poet, writer. The writer Mansur
Ibn Abi Aamir and poet and is counted in the history of Andalusia, among glorious
(Revised translation Ibn Darraj and news .jdhuh quoted translation 186 .Iaalba:
orphan age: 2 / 103-116 .Ibn Bassam ammunition Q59-103,351,353,376,450,889
.abn Peshkoal: Relevance 77 translation. Consider: Introduction Court . Investigation
and Provision: Mahmoud Ali Macai.t1.Damascus: Islamic office publications
0.1961 m .s 21. and i 2. Kuwait: publications Foundation of Abdulaziz Saud
Al-Babtain›s Prize for Poetic Creativity 0.2004 M.s 0.8)
Thaalbi, Abu Abdul-Malik Mansour Ibn Mohammed bin Ismail Alnisabure.
Orphaned at the age fortuitous people of the times. Achieve: Mohammad Mohiuddin
Abdul Ahamid.t2.Alqahirah 0.1956 M.j 1.2 / 104.
Anzer: For the record, Almstefy. Ibn Darraj Al-Qostoli Alondlsa- between
victory and Alanksar- i 1. Marrakech: the printing press and the national Print
house 0.2010 m .s 9.
Ibn Mendour. Arabes Tong. Material: (praise) .t1.berott: House issued 0.1997
M.j 6, p. 27.
Zamakhshari, Mahmoud Abu al-Qasim ibn Umar. Rhetoric basis. Achieve:
Abdul Rahim Mahmoud. (D.t). Beirut: printed in Dar Almarafh.s 324.
Caspian, Ahmed Ibn Faris. Lexicon language standards. Achieve: Abdul
Salam Mohammed Haroun . Dar Almarafh, 1979 .j5.s 308
Jerjani, Mr. Sharif Ali bin Mohammed. Altaravat.t1. Beirut, Lebanon: House
of Scientific Books, 1983. p 297.
Ajabur, Abdel Nour: Lexicon Literature.t 2. Beirut: Printed in house of Sience
0.1984 M.s 245. 9
_ seen: Qudaamah Ben Jaafar. Prose Criticism. Cairo edition, 1983 AD. p 81.
Consider: Atiq, Abdul Aziz.alodb Arab in Andalusia. Beirut, Lebanon: Arab
Renaissance Publishing House, (D.t) .s 183.
Consider: Ibn Rachik, Abu Ali Al husn. Almayh in the pros peotry and etiquette
and criticism-door earning Peotry and above-it-achieve: Abdul Hamid
Hendaoa.t1.Beirut: modern library 0.2001 M.j1.s S69_72.
Ibn Qutaiba, Abu Mohammed ibn Abdullah ibn Muslim .Peotry and Peots.
Investigations explained: Ahmed Mohamed Haker.alqahrh: Knowledge House.
Ibn Khalkan, Abu Abbas Shamsuddin Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Abi Bakr.
)Abdulkadir Sahrawi( 265 صورة الممدوح في شعر ابن درَّاج القسطلي / عبد القادر صحراوي
Mortality Senate and the sons of news time (608_681h) achieve: d. Ehsan Abbas.
Bierut: Dar Sader, c. 1, p 135.odioan son Alkstala rider, a former source, 2nd
Floor. P. 8.
Introduction Diwan, T2.s 8
-kstalh: A village in the west of Andalusia, this is what Humairi went to him,
and the location they are entering the village on the borders of Portugal, which is
called (Cacella), acts Algavre area see: .mekdmh Court, p. 14.
-Mansour Bin Abi Amer is the greatest king Mansour Bin Abi Amer Mohammed
bin Abdullah bin Amer Ibn Abi Amer Ibn Al Waleed bin Yazid II Almaevri
village Turkh, and Abdul Malik grandfather is a newcomer from Andalusia with
Tariq in the first entrants of the Arabs. He said in ambition in my right bin Abi
Amer: it is inexperience in the land of polytheism greatest inexperience, and
wiped out of Twagetha all the swagger and the perk, and Gadarham lying on the
Bekaa and left them humiliated wedge parts, and the governor on their facts, and
slotted into their livers arrows Alfjaia, and Ogs bath lives, and Ngs those pains
Bkoarham and Ruahhm. (bringing his good branch of Al-Andalus Alrtaib written
by Sheikh Ahmed bin Mokri Tlemceni achieved: d. Ihsan Abbas c 1 House issued
Beirut, 1988), pp: 392 403 ..
-Hnjul: Abdul Rahman bin Mansour bin Abi Amir, Brother of Abdul-Malik
al-Muzaffar .ohnjul name came from his mother before Abdul girl Hnjh Christian.
The statement of Ibn Adhari: 3/83.
Ibn Darraj Al-Qostoli. Between victory and Former refraction .marja .s 72.
Ibn Bassam, Aelchentrini.alzjerh in fortuitous people Aldzerh.thakiq: Ihsan
Abas.bannan: House of Culture, 1997. , C 1, S 3, pp. 10,11.
Ibn Darraj Al-Qostoli. Diwan.t2..s 78.
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