Journal Name:
- Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
In political systems where a vast majority of political parties happen
to advocate multi interests, social demands and expectations related to
various identities and interest groups cannot reflect much to administrative
policies. In such systems, voting in elections as political participation
behavior does not amount to much by itself, and a political representation
crisis becomes inevitable. Such a political representation crisis following the
September 12 coup d’eta in Turkey, has brought forward civil society
discussions, maintaining the vital role of civil society organisations in terms
of political participation. Yet, during the same period, it has been observed
that civil society organisations acted in a fairly restricted area, which did
not improve despite the codification; nor did it detach itself from the impact
and pressure of civil society. If researched, it is seen that such phenomenon
has its roots in the social and economic structure of the Ottomans along with
a long historical past. As defined by Weber, the Ottomans as a patrimonial
state, never allowed any formation which would restrict or question the
central authority it had.
As in other Islamic societies in the Ottoman Administration also
integrates the concepts of religion and state. Of key institutions, laws have
created the foundation of Islamic law, religion, social order has gone way
over the legal. With this organic link between religion and state religion, the
important criteria for qualifications and moved to the state, it has formed.
However, when we look at Ottoman power in the discourses and practices,
largely focused on the Islamic aspects of equality and justice be seen and
that are used. The main ideal of the state is justice. Getting the class, thus
causing injustice to property, taken from the understanding of Islam has
been solved. "Property belongs to Allah." This approach has the property in
the Ottoman Empire, to obtain possession in this world, a mentality which is
not approved, shows that such efforts were not welcomed. According to
Islam, the state tries to provide justice, economic or political power of
individuals not permitted to obtain, so you may disrupt the social order and
structure formation were prevented. In this block, the land of the Ottoman
era, the most important production tool in the regulation of property has a
dominant role. Soil collected from a number of the person in front of the property, subject to centralized management weaknesses that could, might
turn away from work The conditions of existence of large powers have been
completely eliminated.
Land ownership patterns change began 1550'li from the year of economic
strictures Anatolia surrounding large unemployed army that has emerged
over the years will continue and the country looting rather than turn people
haze will Celali Rebellions broke out. Thus, the Empire has begun into
settled a vicious cycle and backwardness. All these ups and downs are
experienced, do not create a social structure within the bourgeois class,
which provides mediation between individuals and the government are
specific to non-governmental organization did not occur naturally in some
institutions. In this role, they are trying to undertake a degree of order and
the guilds.
Encompassing every aspect of social life, trying to determine the
bureaucratic management approach, also survived the republic era, all civil
process that will contribute to the development of the area, activities were
perceived as threats to state.
September 12, 1980 military coup that occurred in the state's role in
society has increased even more, and consequently, the people, political
participation, political representation, were squeezed into a narrow range in
terms of organization. How to expand this narrow area of discussion related
to "civil society" has brought the concept. In the context of this discussion,
the role of government in society and this role has drawn attention to the
weight of the need to limit the strengthening of civil society have been
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Abstract (Original Language):
Siyasal partilerin büyük çoğunluğunun çoklu çıkarları savunur
duruma geldiği siyasal sistemlerde farklı kimliklere, farklı çıkar gruplarına
ilişkin toplumsal talepler, beklentiler yönetsel politikalara çok fazla
yansıyamaz. Böyle sistemlerde, bir siyasal katılım davranışı olarak
seçimlerde oy kullanmak, kendi başına fazla bir değer ifade etmez ve bir
siyasal temsil krizi kaçınılmaz olur. 12 Eylül Askeri Darbesi’nin ardından
Türkiye’de yaşanan böyle bir siyasal temsil krizi, sivil toplum tartışmalarını
gündeme getirmiş, siyasal katılım açısından sivil toplum örgütlerinin önemli
roller üstlenebileceği öne sürülmüştür. Ancak, geçen süre içerisinde sivil
toplum örgütlerinin faaliyet göstereceği alanın son derece dar bir alan
olduğu, yapılan birçok yasal düzenlemeye rağmen bu alanın gelişemediği,
kendisini siyasi toplumun etkisinden, baskısından kurtaramadığı
gözlenmiştir. Araştırıldığında, bu durumun Osmanlı’nın toplumsal ve
iktisadi yapısına dayanan, uzun bir tarihsel geçmişi olduğu görülür.
Weber’in tanımladığı anlamda patrimonyal bir devlet olan Osmanlı
İmparatorluğu, sahip olduğu güçlü merkezi otoriteyi sınırlandıracak,
sorgulayacak hiçbir oluşuma izin vermemiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, Osmanlı’nın
iktisadi yapısı, sermaye birikimine ve buna bağlı olarak sivil bir alanı
oluşturup, geliştirecek bir burjuva sınıfının varlığına olanak tanımamıştır.
Toplumsal yaşamın her alanını kuşatan, belirlemeye çalışan bu bürokratik
yönetim anlayışı, cumhuriyet döneminde de varlığını sürdürmüş, sivil alanın
gelişimine katkı sağlayacak her türlü oluşum, faaliyet devlet için tehdit
olarak algılanmıştır. Bu tespitlerden yola çıkılarak tasarlanan
çalışmamızda, sivil topluma ilişkin genel bir kuramsal çerçeve çizilmiş ve bu
çerçeve içerisinde Osmanlıdan günümüze kadar geçen süre içerisinde sivil
alanın yeterince genişleyemeyişinin siyasal, sosyal, ekonomik nedenleri Batı
ile karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmiştir.
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