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Butchers in Terms of Red Meat Reliablility: The Case of Tokat Province

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The present study was conducted with the butchers of Tokat Province to evaluate their awareness and efficacy throughout the processes from the slaughter to retail of meat in their shops, the level of control they have over those processes, the level of knowledge about the hygiene and health characteristics of the product they sell and the level of hygiene they followed from the entrance of the meat into their shops. A survey study was conducted with the butchers of Tokat Central District. Data were gathered through questionnaires. Of 26 butchers of the Province, 24 responded to the questionnaires. Results revealed worrisome outcomes about the hygiene of red meat sold in butchers of the province. According to butcher knowledge and opinions, there was a positive attitude about the natural feeding of the animals but a negative case was prominent about the hygiene and health inspections and measures. Butchers mostly complain about unhygienic conditions of the slaughter houses.



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