Journal Name:
- Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
When advantages provided by capitulations were combined with the wind caused by
the industrial revolution, group of local Ottoman tradesmen and craftsmen became subject to a
quick melt down in front of foreign traders. The ‘Hayriye Tüccarları’ initiative which was started
in 1820’s with the aim of protecting and developing native entrepreneurship was made the basic
policy in the Union and Progress Party period. Economic viewpoint of establishers of the
Republic was not very different from that of their Union and Progress Party associate
predecessors. The most important point that was emphasized also by the Republicans was to
develope entrepreneurship which was going to assume the leadership role for the national
development. Following the 1980s, however, opening up of the developing entrepreneurship to
the international area gained priority over other matters. In our days, which constitute the third
phase in the development of entrepreneurship in our country, increasing the number of
entrepreneurs who produce value-added goods and services and who generate worldwide
trademarks are still the main topics of the agenda. Main items on the agenda by periods are
summarized as follows;
between 1820-1980 to protect the already existing entrepreneurship and to develop
the entrepreneurial spirit,
between 1980-2000 to open up the developing entrepreneurship to the international
in the period following year 2000, to increase the quality of the entrepreneurship, i.e.
to increase number of entrepreneurs who produce value-added goods and services and
who generate worldwide trademarks.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Kapitülasyonların sagladıgı avantaj, sanayi devriminin olusturdugu rüzgarla
birlesince yabancı ticaret erbabı karsısında Osmanlı yerli esnaf-tüccar grubu hızla eridi. Yerli
girisimciligi koruma ve gelistirme amacıyla 1820’li yıllarda baslatılan, ‘Hayriye Tüccarları’
girisimi, İttihat ve Terakki döneminde temel politika haline getirildi. Cumhuriyet’in
kurucularının iktisadi bakıs açıları da, İttihat ve Terakki Partili seleflerinden pek farklı degildi.
Cumhuriyetçilerin de üzerinde durdukları en önemli nokta, ulusal kalkınmayı saglamakta öncü
rolü üstlenecek girisimciligin gelistirilmesiydi. 1980’lerden sonra ise, gelisen girisimciligin dısa
açılması öncelikli hale gelmistir. Ülkemizdeki girisimciligin gelisiminde üçüncü safhayı teskil
eden günümüzde de temel gündem; katma degerli ürün üreten ve dünya çapında marka olusturan
girisimcilerin sayısını artırmaktır. Kısacası;
1820-1980 yılları arasında var olan girisimciligin korunması ve girisimci ruhun
1980-2000 yılları arasında gelisen girisimciligin dısa açılması,
2000 sonrasında ise, girisimciligin niteligini yükseltmek yani katma degerli ürün
üreten ve dünya çapında marka degeri olusturan girisimcilerin sayısını artırma temel
gündem maddesi olmustur.
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