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Measure And Barriers To Elimination Of Manual Scavenging In India

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Abstract (Original Language): 
The main objective of the present article is to critically evaluate efforts undertaken by the Govt. to abolish the manual scavengers and to study the reasons for the failure of such programs: Secondary data such as articles, Books, legislations related to manual scavengers were used to meet the study objectives. The Scavenger and sewage workers suffer mainly from chemical and biological hazards. This can be prevented through engineering, medical and legislative measures. The engineering measure should focus on making the process more mechanistic. These workers should also be benefited from occupational health services, which should include pre-placement and periodic health monitoring. Further effective implementation of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993, will help in the abolition of manual scavenging. Also, regular awareness programs should be conducted to impart education regarding safer work procedures and use of personal protective devices. Finally conclusion is; all the efforts of Govt. and other reformers will not be successful unless and until the individuals takes step to avoid such inhuman practice and live the dignity life.



i.Eradication of inhuman practice of Manual Scavenging and
comprehensive rehabilitation of manual scavengers in India
by Rashtriya Garrmia Abhiyan, pdf
ii.Government of India, CAG Report on Ministry Social
Justice and Reforms - 2003,pdf
iii.India Wash Forum Bi- Monthly e- news letter- issue # 21
dce 2011- pdf
iv.Josée Audet and Gérald d'Amboise. The Qualitative
Report, Volume 6, Number 2 June, 2001
v.National Advisory Council recommantations, 2010, pdf
vi.Report of Sub group on Safi Karmacharies submitted to
chairman .......... for Eleventh five year plan (2007-20012),
vii.Report of task force for tackling the problems of
scavengers and suggesting measures to abolish scavenging
with particular emphasis on their rehabilitation , Planning
Commission, GoI, 1990-1991- PDF
viii.Steps towards the Elimination and Eradication of
Manual Scavenging practice- by Ms . Vibhawari Kamble,
submitted to Mr. Coen Kompier, ILO–Pdf Article by
Seetha Sriraman, ILS, Pune.
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