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Studies On Cold Treatment Effect On Germination Of Brassica Juncea Seeds

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Abstract (Original Language): 
The Brassica juncea seeds soaked in water for 24 hours were treated with cold temperature 20, 40, 60 and 80 minutes before sowing. The observation were made daily upto 10 days of sowing with adequate watering. There was no significant variation in control and cold treated seeds with respect to days for germination, germination % vigor %, plumule formation, average shoot length, average number of roots, root length and fresh weight of seedlings. The days for germination in control and cold treated seeds was about the same. The germination % and vigor % not affected by cold treatment. Plumule formation average shoot length in cold treated seeds was neither increased or decreased over control. The root number, root length and fresh weight of seedling neither stimulating nor suppressing due to cold treatment as compared to control .