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Nonsendromik bilateral mandibular dentigeröz kist: olgu sunumu

Nonsyndromic bilateral mandibular dentigerous cyst: a case report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Dentigerous cysts are benign odontogenic cysts that are associated with the crowns of an unerupted tooth. They are usually asymptomatic and detected during routine dental radiographic examination. Although dentigerous cysts are the second most common odontogenic cysts after radicular cysts, nonsyndromic bilateral and multiple dentigerous cysts are rare. Bilateral and multiple cysts may be found in association with a number of syndromes. In this report, a case of nonsyndromic bilateral dentigerous cyst and its surgical treatment are presented. Bilateral dentigerous cysts were enucleated and the associated impacted teeth were extracted under general anesthesia. Dentigerous cysts may cause large bone defects without any symptom. It is therefore important to perform radiographic examination in all unerupted teeth.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Dentigeröz kistler, sürmemiş dişlerin kronlarıyla ilişkili olan benign odontojenik kistlerdir. Genellikle asemptomatiktir ve rutin dental radyografik inceleme sırasında fark edilir. Radiküler kistlerden sonra en yaygın görülen odontojenik kistler olmalarına rağmen, nonsendromik bilateral ve multipl dentigeröz kistler nadir olarak görülür. Bilateral ve multipl kistler çeşitli sendromlara eşlik edebilir. Bu raporda, nonsendromik bilateral dentigeröz kist vakası ve cerrahi tedavi süreci sunulmuştur. Genel anestezi altında, bilateral dentigeröz kistler enükle edilerek, ilişkili gömülü dişler çekilmiştir. Dentigeröz kistler semptomsuz bir şekilde geniş kemik defektlerine yol açabilir. Bu yüzden tüm gömülü dişlerde radyografik inceleme yapılması önemlidir.



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