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Baym, Nina. 'The Madwoman and Her Languages: Why I Don't Do Feminist Literary Theory." Feminist Issues in Literary Scholarship. Ed.
Shari Benstock. Bloomington; Indiana Universtty Press, 1987.
Boesing, Martha, Pimp in A Century of Plays by American Women. Ed.
Rachel France. New York: Richard Rosen Press, Inc., 1979. . Story of a Mother İn Women in American Theatre, Eds. Helen Chi-
noy and Linda Jenklns. New York: Crovvn Publishers. 1981. Trespasso Unpublished s erip t. 1977.
Cahili Susan, ed. Mothers: Memories, Dreams and Reflections by Literary Daughters. Nevv York: Mentor, 1988.
Chernin, Kim. "In My Mother's House." Mothers: Memories, Dreams and Reflections by Literary Daughters. Ed. Susan Cahili. New York: Mentor, 1988.
Fornes. Maria irene. Fefu and Her Friends in Wordplays: An Anthology of New American Drama. New York: Performing Arts Journal Publi-caüons, 1980.
Henley, Beth. Crimes Of the Heart. Nevv York: The Viking Press. 1982.
Hirsch. Marianne. The Mother/Daughter Plot: Narrative, Psychoanaly-sis, Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1989.
Holden, Joan. The Independent Female in A Century of Plays by American Women. Ed. Rachel France. Nevv York: Richard Rosen Press, Inc., 1979.
Hovve. Tina. Bİrth and After Birth İn The New Women's Theatre: Ten Plays by Contemporary Women. Ed. Honor Moore. Nevv York: Vinta-ge Books, 1977,
Keyssar, Helene. Feminist Theatre: An Introductİon to Plays of Con-temporary British and American Women. London: Macmillan. 1984.
Molinaro, Ursule. Breakfast Past Noon in The New Women's Theatre: Ten Plays by Contemporary Women. Ed. Honor Moore. Nevvvintage Books. 1977.
Moore, Honor. Moürning Pictures in The New Women's Theatre: Ten Plays by Contemporary Women. Ed. Honor Moore. Nevv York: Vintage Books, 1977.
Normaıı. Marsha, G-etting Out. NewYork: Nelson Doubleday. Inc., 1979. Wendko. Gina and Ellen Ratoer. Personality in Women Heroes: Six Short Plays from the Women's Project. Nevv York: Applause Books. 1986.

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