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Ataerkillik kavramıyla ilgili sosyolojik tartışmalar

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Barrett, M. (1980) Women's Opptesston today, London: Verso.
Barrett, M. (1995) Gönümüzde Kadına Uygulanan Baskı, Mandst Feminist Çözümlemede Somnlar, (Çev: Şen Süer), İstanbul: Pencere Yayınlan.
Beechey, V. (1978) "Womeaand modes of Pfoducöon" in Kuhn, A. and Wolpe ' A.M. (Eds.). Feminisrh ând Materyalisin,, Londoft: Routledge and kegan Paul Ltd. . ..
Berktay, F. (1996) Tek Tanrılı Dinler Karşısında Kadm, İstanbul : Metis Yayınlan.
Bradley, H. (1989) Men's YVbrfc, Wamen's Wark, A Soctolâglcal History of the Sexual EHuisian ofLabour in Errtplaymervt. Cambrtdge: Pörity Press.
Brownmiller, S. (1976) Agatrtst Our Wffl, New York: Baritam.
Cockburn, C. (1986) "The îfelationa of Technoiogy'' in Crompton, R. and Mann, M. (Eds.), Gender and i^tıt^^rfi^ Caırifaridge: Polity.
Dalla Costa, M. and James, S. (19-72) The Power ofWomenand the Subverskm of the Community, Bristol: FalHng Wail Press.
Delpy, C. (1977) The Main Enemy, London: Women's Research and Resources Centre. "
Ehrenreich, B. and English, D. (1979) For Her Otun Good, London: Pluto.
Ehrlich, C. (1981) "The Unhappy Marriage of Mandsm and Feraintsm: Can it be saved? in Sargent, L, (Ed), Women in revolution: The Unhappy Marriage ofMarjdsmandFemtnism, London: Pluto.
Elsenstein, Z. (1979) Capüalist Patrtarchy and the Case For Socialist Feminism, New York: Morithty Revtew Press. "
Elshtain, J.B. (1987) "Feminist Poiiöcal Rhetoric and Woraöi*s Studlcs" iri Nelson, J„ Megül, A. and raelpsky, D. (Eds.), The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences, Wisconsln: University Press.
Gardiner, J. (1976) "Domestic Labouf in Capitalist society" tn Barker, D.L. and AUen, S. (Edş>). Depervdmce and Bxploüation in Work and Marriage, London: Longrnans.
Harrülton, R. (1978) The Ub&rat&hitf Vfornen, London: George ADcn and Unwin.
Hardlng, s. (1981) "What is the Maiettal Base of Patrtarchy and Capltalism?"
in sargent, L. {Ed.), Worfiminttevoiuaon: The Ünhappy Marriage of Mandsm and Fcmtntsrn. London: Phrto.
Hartmann, H. (1981a) The Family as the Locu» of Gender, Class and Polltical Strüggje; THe Example

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