Journal Name:
- Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
The paper aims to present a selected group of 68 post-Byzantine Greek-Orthodox icons, five
carved Bema doors from sanctuaries and an iconostasis epistyle, to give a general idea of their
main features. These artefacts, which are dated to the 19t h and 20t h centuries, are kept in the
archaeological museums of Antalya and Tokat. After the end of the so-called Cretan School, which
signifies an influential iconographical and stylistical approach to the icon painting from the 15th
to the 18t h centuries, no similar major school was founded. At this time and in fact already two
centuries prior numerous works with local characters and regional ideas and interpretations had
occurred. These were in continuous interactive relation with one another and they also borrowed
and adopted many stylistical and iconographical features and motifs from the works of late
Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque. The examples from Antalya and Tokat illustrate this
practice and show the likely pattern of the post-Byzantine Greek-Orthodox icon painting. Their
iconographical and stylistic analysis including dating suggestions and considerations of possible
origins pointed out that during the iconographical formulation of their works painters followed and
adopted models and works of the middle and late Byzantine periods. They reveal at the same time,
however, in the modifications of their iconography influences of the Zeitgeist, as it is in the
regional painting of the time observed -there was no homogeneous development in the exterritories
of the former Byzantine Empire, also not in
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Abstract (Original Language):
u makalede, doktora konusu olarak incelenen bir grup Osmanlı dönemi Bizans ikonasının genel
hatlarıyla tanıtılması amaçlanmıştır. Bizans sonrası - geç Osmanlı - dönemin ikona ve/veya ikona
ressamlığının ikonografik ve uslüp özellikleri, Antalya ve Tokat müzelerinde yer alan malzemenin
de bu dönem tanık olunan gelişme ve değişikliklerin bir uzantısı olarak dönemsel özellikleri
yansıttığı gözlemlenecektir. Kısaca 15. ve 18. yüzyıllar arasında aktif olan ve ikona ressamlığında
normları oluşturan Girit okulunun sonlanmasından sonra, yer yer yaklaşık iki yüzyıl önce oluşmaya
başlamış olan bölgesel, yerel okullar daha aktif olmaya başlamıştır. Bu arada Batı Avrupa resmindeki
akımların, özellikle geç Rönesans, Maniyerizm ve Barok örneklerinin daha etkili olmaya
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