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Die Defizithypothese von Bernstein und die sprachliche Verschiedenheit der türkischen Kinder in Deutschland

Basil Bernstein’s Deficit Hypothesis and the linguistic differences of Turkish children living in Germany

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present study aims to explain and discuss the linguistic differences of 4th or 5th grade Turkish elementary children living in Germany according to Basil Bernstein’s Deficit Hypothesis. In the Deficit Hypothesis, Bernstein suggests that people belonging to the middle or high class use a different kind of language from speakers belonging to the low class. The language of the middle-class child has something which the language of the lower-class child lacks. A restricted code has a limited vocabulary and a limited range of grammatical constructions. An elaborated code, in contrast, possesses a large vocabulary and a wide range of grammatical constructions.Bernstein’s deficit hypothesis holds that working-class children have access only to the restricted code while middle-class children have full control over both codes,Hence, working-class children can not communicate effectively in the manner expected in educational institutions, and they can not hope to succeed in schools which are largely predicated on the elaborated Code (Trask, 2007). In this study, restricted and elaborated code terminology is described in detail and Bernstein’s Deficit Hypothesis is evaluated based on the results of the survey applied to Turkish children living in Germany. In this article, important information about the syntax, vocabulary, and pragmatic and cognitive interests of Turkish children living in Germany is presented. The surveys in question also provide some important and current information about the socio-economic status and business situations of the families of the children.



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